Monday, December 31, 2007

There's this really rude vending machine that sells snacks just somewhere near my house at the residents corner. Whenever berwin and i buy snacks from it, it spits the change out onto the floor instead of dropping it in the small box. As in it seriously just drops out and flies to the ground rolling away making us pick it up. So we concluded it is a rude machine. Sadly, i couldn't spend this new year at the void deck with berwin han along with snacks from the rude machine. Because the screen got smashed and all the snacks were taken away. I wasn't one bit shocked at all, all along i was thinking someone would have got pissed off by the machine's rude behaviour and just smash it. And indeed it got smashed, so good punishment ! YAY, rejoice ! Dang, this make me gotta walk a few hundred steps further to the LRT station for my snacks. Damn.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm feeling down. I've been in such bad moods since the whole of this week, never once have i experience such a heavy force resting on my chest for so long. It's so uncomfortable and i guess the only way is to shout it out. Maybe it's time i visit escape theme park again, sit the viking and scream my lungs out. I'm losing all my faith in everything. You, my friends, my family, god and everything else that possibly plays a role in my life. I just can't seem to find anyone who i can talk to. Cheeeeb, i think i'm becoming much of a loser. Perhaps the only place where i can find someone to talk to and understand me might just be very well "the losers country club". Walk in and see a bunch of crestfallen people with eyes glued to the floor. Splitted into different sections, you see them catergorised as "relationship problems", "family problems", "health problems", "career problems" and lastly for the ultimate losers, "IF YOU'RE APPLICABLE TO ALL 4 CATERGORIES, KINDLY PROCEED TO THE 'ENTIRE LIFE PROBLEMS' SECTION OR ALTERNATIVELY THE 'SUICIDE PIT'(ropes, knives, gas, pills etc...are provided for convinient suicide) THANK YOU." At each different section, losers of each specialised problems will share their stories and maybe some will realise they aren't that worse off and become happy. Some might realise they are indeed born losers. So the moto of the club/moral of my story is, there would defitnely be people out there who are worse off than you, come in and try finding someone who is unluckier than you and leave the club as a happy man. So i'm sure there are people out there who got it harsher than what i got, so i'm gonna try to be cheerful again.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Opened my eyes to the feeling of 1-2 pm. How would i have known it was already 4.30pm, i felt so wasted, not forgetting the complimentary tickets which would soon be wasted if i do not make use of it by today. I got berwin down to watch warlords with me, i don't think i should go typing what and how warlord is because it is already "a free listed" movie meaning it's been on for quite some time so they allow complimentary tickets for it. So most of you all must have watched it, pointless to talk about the movie. Let's talk about how berwin and i had MAJOR problems coming home after we missed the train. We decided that there would be a nightrider bus, but after waiting for 30mins, we panicked and called for help. I don't think the call was much of a help, it scared us more. We were advised to walk home from orchard, camp out or take a cab (we didn't have more than 3 bucks). If we chose to walk home, prepare to see us only on tuesday (we might take 2 days to walk home), if we camped in orchard, my next few posts will be on whatever stupid things we'll do in orchard to kill time. Berwin came out with a stupid idea, ask the cab to tongpang (hitch a ride) back home. Maybe when taxi drivers become as dumb as berwin, they MIGHT do just that. So after all the "help" and worrying, the stupid N6 bus came, hopped on, headed to hougang and walked home from there. Walking past a big big field, i heard lots of frogs croaking. Caleb: "What the fuck, so many frogs in that field." Berwin: "yalor, you go lie down there lahh, confirm damn shiok, no mosquitos." Caleb: "Crazy, why?" Berwin: "So many frogs, sure eat up all the mosquitos." Berwin han has potential to be "Country's greatest nature reserve biologist".

Friday, December 28, 2007

Disco night was funny, nobody could really dance. So we just made nonsense and shake our asses away. Phyliss didn't do a bimbo dance today, or rather, she did not even dance. So this proves she is no longer a bimbo, and for fuck's sake phyliss, when you have a dance partner, just fucking dance with him. I swear i'll never dance with you again, YOU SUCK. Someone should just invent a tablet which slows down brain function, to stop people from thinking too much. If we had any worries, just pop one tablet and your brain slows down so much until you stop thinking about it, thus you stop worrying about it. I would stock ten cartons of this in my room.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I spent the entire night out yesterday with dickson without a wink of sleep. And the moment i got home, i watched american pie 1 & 2 from 7am till 11 am. American pie might seem to be some meaningless dirty movie to most people. But after watching part 1, 2 and 5. It seems like every ending ends with some true love theory, the couple starts to realise about how they feel for each other after the annual party. The annual party is where guy meets girl and do it, drink and just have pure fun. So american pie is considered romance comedy, okay no. Dirty romance comedy. FUCKING PUSSY FACE ! Okay, i just felt like shouting out that over the net cause i can't possibly do that at home when my parents are in. I want to release the fucking furry inside ! FUCK FACE

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I'm starting to hate festive seasons which my friends and family celebrates. All i do is to sit at the void decks and chat my head off like old people when my family and friends are partying out there. Not convincing? Look at how han and i spent our christmas at the "Senior residents corner". We bought one can of pepsi, one packet of garlic bread crackers and one packet of ring crackers. We then realise if you took a picture of the word pepsi, you get a number 12939. We were too bored and decided to use 2 pieces of ring crackers and a piece of garlic cracker to make a fish burger. Look real? So christmas year 2007 was spent under the void deck with me and han saying merry christmas to each other, oh and we were lacking a set of chess piece to start playing chess on the table. I see many more christmas-es and other festives being spent like that. Thinking of how i'm gonna "celebrate" the upcoming festive seasons in the coming years is starting to bore me more than it already is now, dang.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas eve's party was great. The food was good, the people were good. Kenneth and i bought everyone at the party walking sticks ! Well, it came in handy for mass where we had to stand for 2 hours and also when we left the party all shagged and needed something to support ourselves on the way home. We put up with alot of humiliation carrying 28 walking sticks all the way from town back home. Salesmen were asking what in the world that were and people were staring endlessly. One poor injured man on the LRT even asked if i was selling the sticks cause he needed one. I can't believe it, i think i looked like one of those charitable organization trying to sell walking sticks to earn a few bucks.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The bug in me is getting from bad to worse. The flu is not getting any better, the body aches are frequent and the dizzy spells are driving me erm, dizzy ! Maybe it's withdrawal symptoms from not getting my daily dosage of a particular someone *grins*. Looks like the YI camp changed the people alot. Gotta meet phyllis today after god knows how long, and i swear she is no longer bimbotic. No more "fuck you caleb" and starts kicking, punching you. She has OFFICIALLY changed to become a nicer girl. Don't believe me? Check out her personal message. It used to be "fuck blah blah blah.." or "DIE BITCH" or any other horrid, vulgar and explict stuffs you can imagine coming out from her mouth. Now, she praises god with her personal message. Wonderful? I must find out how powerful the camp is to change someTHING like phyllis. Even when i told phyllis about her personality change, she laughed it off with a shrug. Must buy lottery arhh...phenomenal sign.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

So everyone DO have problems. I know you people reading this will say "of course, but i think the fella who posted this has a bigger problem for asking such a riduculous question." But if life is a bundle of problems, why do we strive to live? In that case, wouldn't everyone be committing suicide? I guess it's the unwillingness to leave your loved ones(family, friends, girlfriend, etc...) behind and just go like that, so it's your loved ones that pushes you to live. Then again, if life is a bundle of joy, why would anyone strive to die? So maybe life is really a bundle of problems, but i'm unwilling to let go of my loved ones, that is what's keeping me here.
Cheeeeb, i dropped my phone into the toilet bowl and it totally is not working now. Bad stuffs happens one after another don't they? I woke up to a really painful throat and bad flu. For a promise, i lose my interest. For a sms, i lose my phone. For a quarell, i lose my family. I never expected this christmas to be good anyway. BRRR, so it's alright. Well, to make myself feel better, i pointed the middle finger to the toilet bowl everytime i see it to make myself feel accomplished, at least i gave it a lesson, so it might never take other people's phone again.

Friday, December 21, 2007

National treasure 2 is a superb movie. Watched it at subsidised price at only 4 bucks thanks to dickson goh. I feel like going to bukit timah hill in search for a treasure grove or dive under sentosa to find singapore's very own atlantis. All that treasure hunting got into me so quick that for almost an hour, i was thinking which part of singapore will have burried treasure and how to get it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

YES ! I'm back from the chalet that drained me of my money and energy. Usual yearly routine of sleeping on the hard cold floor with friends, go for late night walks and talk, do stupid things. The theme park proved too much for me, my "friends" dragged me into the viking ship and i screamed my adam's apple out. Serious shit, i didn't know why i was so terrified. A bunch of girls sitting in front of me actually laughed at me, DANG. After the pirate ship, i didn't take anymore rides and i went back to the chalet to rest my heart. We had a boxing match with pillows as gloves, but most of us ended up injured. I got a torn lip and bruised back, but it was really fun ! I'm 60 bucks poorer now, so DON'T call me out.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I have learnt my lesson, never to bite my fingernails whenever i'm using the laptop. About a month back, i bit my nails and a piece of it dropped into the tiny gaps of the keyboard. Until today, i have been using my laptop with a semi functional "S" button. I have to press really hard just to type S, becasue the nail was stuck beneath it. 25 minutes ago i was pissed off (the accumalation of being piss for being unable to type properly) so i decided to do something about it. I yahoo answered "how to remove buttons from keyboard" and i realised the answer was just, to pluck it out with force. I tried that, i felt the tension so i was thinking "hmm, it was stated pull the button up, do not use exessive force" and there i was pulling it with all my might. So i went back to read again. CHEEEB, bloody hell scare the shit outa me. They were refering to DESKTOP keyboard, not laptop! So i searched for "how to remove buttons from LAPTOP keyboard". And the answer was, NO, you will spoil your laptop. I think i almost ruined my own laptop, lucky me. So i decided to head for shyan's advice, toothpicks. Amazingly it worked. But after 20 mins of trying to pry here and there. I will never bite my nails when i'm using the laptop anymore.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

YES. It is true that parents are crazy, they complain about me playing the guitar too loudly and yet they got me a new guitar for christmas. The moment i reached home to test out the new gift, some asshole called me all the way down to ngee ann. This fella the mother got problem ! Basket you dickson goh. KNNBCCB. But he repaid the favour by buying fries and one cup of drink at carl's junior (drinks are refillable there). So 5 friends drank the drink so quickly that we had to refill it every less than one minute. Clarence refilled 3 times and refused to go anymore, he claimed the staff looked at him when he refilled the drink the 3rd time, we were sitting at the back so the staff thought clarence was alone. If i were the staff, i would have done so too, a guy refilling his drink every 40 secs? So clarence was too pai seh-ed to go again, so we sent another representative. Now's the SEA games, if there was a medal for "fastest drinker" for small size cup catergory, i think the staff might have elected clarence.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I am crashing in asiq's house now and the night seems really lonely. Chalet will be up in a few days time which will be a great time to unwind myself as well as erm, unwinding my wallet (i can't even be so sure if there's even enough to unwind in the first place). Asiq's granny gave me 2 bucks to eat ! I didn't bring my wallet along so i'm poor and hungry, but that sweet old lady gave me some money to eat! Luckily she did, if not i will be hated by my friends for stealing their portion of food. Old ladies are nice and beautiful, arh.. Now that i'm after old ladies, what am i called? A guy who goes after young kids are pedophiles, what about a guy who goes after old ladies? Maybe they should come out a word for it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dad hasn't been working for a few days, so he's been staying home watching teevee and becoming our chauffeur. I woke up hearing some rap songs, i turned to the teevee and saw MTV with some singer rapping. What's worse, i saw dad shaking his head to the music. I was laughing in my mind, 40 year old man enjoying this kinda music? Weird old man. I was home aloned for the rest of the day after 12pm. Being broke and bored, i forced myself to sleep throughout the afternoon. The best way to kill time is sleep, what seems like 5 minutes when you're sleeping is actually a few hours. That's why we always wake up late thinking "damn, i thought i only slept for 5 mins, how come like 1 hour pass already?" This is one major contributing factor that caused me to have a number of red forms (late for school) during my secondary school time.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's spooky when you hear a particular song everywhere you go. I have been listening to my iTunes on shuffle mode on the com for the past week. The song "I Can't fight this feeling anymore" by air supply keeps playing frequently out of 5 gig of songs. Okay, not wierd enough? I listen to my radio at home, gold 90.5 every morning (that's if i wake up in the mornings). And this song came out 2 times within the week (i only woke up like 2 times in the morning for the week). Still not weird enough? I was at this restaurant and they played this song from a cd. Worst? I decided to use the iTunes radio, american radio staions. And not hard to guess, they played that song too. Flying fuck ! I used to love this song alot but not when i'm currently in this situation and i defitnely do NOT need songs with titles and lyrics that brings down your confidence which in turn makes my ordeal look more obvious to myself. I CAN fight this feeling far far far longer. So SHUT UP air supply and stop phyco-ing me. I CAN I CAN ! A really inspirational song now will be "BOB the builder" It simply goes CAN WE DO IT ? YES WE CAN !
Felt really good today, recovered from the bad headache. Woke up early today to catch a movie on teevee with dad. The whole family went out and i was home aloned from 12pm onwards. Dad was nice enough to drive home at 4pm to bring me to his office to play. The arcade in his office bores me, so off for dinner with jacky and mum at some thai restaurant. Jacky was being annoying today by boasting about his life, which i think he has nothing much to boast about, really. Dad felt crazy and gave me money to buy myself 3 new shirts. Home we went and off i went to meet asiq and clarence. Asiq's mum is so sweet lahh, ask me to take care when i was walking home near 12.30am. She even asked asiq to call me to check if i've reached home, which i felt asiq was really reluctant about it, but nevertheless he called. Sweet boy and sweet mum. Asiq is a really open brother, he teaches his 3 year old kid brother to point his middle finger to anyone who lands feet in their house. I swear that boy is cute.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I've never experienced such bad headache in my entire life until yesterday. Gosh, my head was hurting so bad as if someone smashed it with a sledge hammer. Maybe it was caused by the impact of the soccer ball that hit me in my back. Some guys playing football had to kick the ball at my back, maybe it caused internal injuries and made my blood flow backwards causing the major headache. When the ball hit me, i was mouthing the words "fuck you assholes" and secretly thought of bashing them up in my mind. Visions of me flying kicking them one by one onto the ground was satisfying, but in reality, they were still up and perfectly unharmed playing their football match.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hoey has left singapore ! Sadly, not for good. But still it's something we will all rejoice. When mum was sending off hoey, she asked us to say bye to him. Jacky, wenxian and i waved bye and looked sad. The moment the door was shut, we 3 smiled at each other, gave a HI 5 to one another and continued watching teevee. I think it's much more fun after he left. But he'll be back soon by january, dang. It's gonna be, the return of hoey part 2.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The last minute trip down to the orphange was a blast. Everything turned out differently from what i expected, it ended up to be a christmas party over there and we enjoyed the good spread of a buffet and music, by us. Everyone was singing and playing in their santa's hat, even i wore one and played the guitar, i think it was funny, a band of santa's! We were their live band for the night and i've never once played with so much joy before. Even though the songs were simple and needed not much practice, i enjoyed it alot because i felt really welcomed there. It's amazing how the attitude of the audience affects my mood, i've been playing to really "dead" people for the last few performances, but today is truly amazing, EVERYONE sang along.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's 3.54am and i'm feeling really upset over a song. I heard this really old but nice and jumpy song, and it is really nice. So i downloaded it and listened to it, the tune really is great and i thought this would be like any happy love song because the tune really is jumpy and catchy. But when i paid attention to the lyrics, the whole song revolves about how the singer lost his loved one in a car accident. "Oh where, oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me. She's gone to Heaven, so I got to be good. So I can see my baby when I leave this world. I lifted her head, she looked at me and said Hold me darling just a little while I held her close, I kissed her, our last kiss. I found the love that I knew I had missed. Well, now she's gone even though I hold her tight I lost my love, my life, that night. " For no apparent reason, this vision of me being in this car accident with my loved one appeared in my mind. Thinking of it already hurts/sucks so so bad, imagine the sorrow and hurt one would feel if this would have happen to them. So don't take too long to say i love you to the ones you love.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Once upon a time, there was this boy who had no directions in life. Until he stumbled across a magic photo. And that photo led him to go after something everyone deemed immposible. He held on tight to his beliefs and walked that road that seemed to lead to nowhere. After months of walking and walking, he finally saw his destination from 100 of miles away, of course, with the help of a binoculars. And so he felt he will reach there in a couple of years more to come, so his passion in search for the princess in the magic photo was propelled. On the road, he has met with creatures/monsters strongly opposing him to go to the white castle (where the princess is). Being the chosen one, the fairy god mother gave him an armour and a sword. He bravely fought off the creatures and is now in continuing his journey. Please come back and read the ending of the story in maybe 1-2 years. Only then will you know the outcome of "the trip to white castle".

Please read
Disclaimer : Characters in story are of no relevance to any living person
In case of coincidence, author is filled with utmost regret along with gratitude for
being understanding
Thank you

Thursday, December 6, 2007

i love rock and roll

Today i watched hitman. Dang. It was quite cool i guess.
Made me want to play with Jacky's gun.
Spent the day at Berwin's house.
If i was a girl, I would chase after Berwin.
He's so attractive and cute. Everything a girl could ask for.

Pesky pussy, hoy did i ever come up with such a queer alliteration?
I must have been really pesky to certain pussies.
Cheeeeb la. I should change my URL soon.
Its probably jinxing me right now.
No wonder I haven't had much luck lately.
I'll change it soon to something like
Hmmm I hope it'll work.
Okay I'll go gay around in my room now.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tatooist is something you people shouldn't watch, it's like getting a tatoo and regret it. You can't get rid of the tatoo. That will be how you feel after watching the movie, regretful. It is a singapore and american cooperated film, the singaporean casts really runied the movie with their bad accent. Wenxian left for his friend's house to stay over so i've got the whole room to myself ! But dang, i'm real tired and can fall asleep any moment now. I can't make full use of the night being alone in the room. I wanna have my own room and stop having a pesky kid brother to share it with me ! Maybe i'll poison his food soon.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The weather today roasted a bunch of boys that went fishing. I headed home in the evening to find myself being sleepy and scared. So scared i couldn't sleep, it turned out i read too much into it and scared the shit outta myself. But if you're a guy, i swear you'ld have thought like me !Somebody went to change my profile in friendster ! My gender became female, my country became phoenix and deleted all my information. I kinda find this person cute and funny !

Monday, December 3, 2007

Within 15 mins from leaving my bed, i met han right outside my house. I left for his house to play the guitar where we both played a really cute song that took us almost a day to learn it. Being so in to the song, we skipped breakfast and lunch so we felt really hungry and we went to chomp chomp to eat. We walked home amazingly within an hour and a half. Before we left for chomp chomp, we saw this girl playing basketball with some guys at a basketball court. This girl is stupid and ugly. We heard her shout "Hand ball !" Which idiot plays basketball without using their hands. And next, she was horribly ugly that we concluded that even if the ball smashed her face, she would go "oh, never mind, smash my face it's okay, no difference to my face."

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yay, we have finished our filming and i kinda miss those people who worked with me. Dickson, brandon and i were in this mrt on our way home when we fucking smelt durians. Dickson and brandon were like not embaressed and shouted "NO durians in the mrt". So many people were looking at us lahh. So embaressing, they wanted to tell the aunty with the durian to read the sign "No durians". I prevented them from doing so, in the meanwhile, we realised dickson had something more offendable than durians. He was holding a can of adhesive spray that wrote EXTREMLY FLAMMABLE. The sign stated "no smoking, no eating & drinking, no flammable objects and no durians." Fines are according, $500, $500, $5000, no fine for durians. And dickson was holding something with the highest fine, $5000. And he dared to go tell the aunty no durians. What an asshole.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dad and i fixed my spoilt guitar ! It's been weeks since i played it. Finally we got it fixed, i thought it would be gone FOREVER. So i rocked the whole house really loud, and dad said he regretted fixing it for me. He preferred the peace and quiet. I'm so tired already. Jacky's right, he's one big clown too. But he recently told me it's really tiring and silly to be a clown forever. He told me this when i asked him to do another silly video. First sensible thing he said. What the pundeh is wrong with the radio station. They seem to play songs that make me emotional, i'm listening to "cherish the love". Oh, i forgot i'm listening to oldies. I wanna see what happens when i die, will people make me a tributal video? Yeah, most probably me doing retard stuffs that makes people laugh at my funeral instead of sobbing. So who will cry for me one day!?