Sunday, December 16, 2007

I have learnt my lesson, never to bite my fingernails whenever i'm using the laptop. About a month back, i bit my nails and a piece of it dropped into the tiny gaps of the keyboard. Until today, i have been using my laptop with a semi functional "S" button. I have to press really hard just to type S, becasue the nail was stuck beneath it. 25 minutes ago i was pissed off (the accumalation of being piss for being unable to type properly) so i decided to do something about it. I yahoo answered "how to remove buttons from keyboard" and i realised the answer was just, to pluck it out with force. I tried that, i felt the tension so i was thinking "hmm, it was stated pull the button up, do not use exessive force" and there i was pulling it with all my might. So i went back to read again. CHEEEB, bloody hell scare the shit outa me. They were refering to DESKTOP keyboard, not laptop! So i searched for "how to remove buttons from LAPTOP keyboard". And the answer was, NO, you will spoil your laptop. I think i almost ruined my own laptop, lucky me. So i decided to head for shyan's advice, toothpicks. Amazingly it worked. But after 20 mins of trying to pry here and there. I will never bite my nails when i'm using the laptop anymore.

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