Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yay, we have finished our filming and i kinda miss those people who worked with me. Dickson, brandon and i were in this mrt on our way home when we fucking smelt durians. Dickson and brandon were like not embaressed and shouted "NO durians in the mrt". So many people were looking at us lahh. So embaressing, they wanted to tell the aunty with the durian to read the sign "No durians". I prevented them from doing so, in the meanwhile, we realised dickson had something more offendable than durians. He was holding a can of adhesive spray that wrote EXTREMLY FLAMMABLE. The sign stated "no smoking, no eating & drinking, no flammable objects and no durians." Fines are according, $500, $500, $5000, no fine for durians. And dickson was holding something with the highest fine, $5000. And he dared to go tell the aunty no durians. What an asshole.

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