Monday, December 31, 2007

There's this really rude vending machine that sells snacks just somewhere near my house at the residents corner. Whenever berwin and i buy snacks from it, it spits the change out onto the floor instead of dropping it in the small box. As in it seriously just drops out and flies to the ground rolling away making us pick it up. So we concluded it is a rude machine. Sadly, i couldn't spend this new year at the void deck with berwin han along with snacks from the rude machine. Because the screen got smashed and all the snacks were taken away. I wasn't one bit shocked at all, all along i was thinking someone would have got pissed off by the machine's rude behaviour and just smash it. And indeed it got smashed, so good punishment ! YAY, rejoice ! Dang, this make me gotta walk a few hundred steps further to the LRT station for my snacks. Damn.

Sunday, December 30, 2007

I'm feeling down. I've been in such bad moods since the whole of this week, never once have i experience such a heavy force resting on my chest for so long. It's so uncomfortable and i guess the only way is to shout it out. Maybe it's time i visit escape theme park again, sit the viking and scream my lungs out. I'm losing all my faith in everything. You, my friends, my family, god and everything else that possibly plays a role in my life. I just can't seem to find anyone who i can talk to. Cheeeeb, i think i'm becoming much of a loser. Perhaps the only place where i can find someone to talk to and understand me might just be very well "the losers country club". Walk in and see a bunch of crestfallen people with eyes glued to the floor. Splitted into different sections, you see them catergorised as "relationship problems", "family problems", "health problems", "career problems" and lastly for the ultimate losers, "IF YOU'RE APPLICABLE TO ALL 4 CATERGORIES, KINDLY PROCEED TO THE 'ENTIRE LIFE PROBLEMS' SECTION OR ALTERNATIVELY THE 'SUICIDE PIT'(ropes, knives, gas, pills etc...are provided for convinient suicide) THANK YOU." At each different section, losers of each specialised problems will share their stories and maybe some will realise they aren't that worse off and become happy. Some might realise they are indeed born losers. So the moto of the club/moral of my story is, there would defitnely be people out there who are worse off than you, come in and try finding someone who is unluckier than you and leave the club as a happy man. So i'm sure there are people out there who got it harsher than what i got, so i'm gonna try to be cheerful again.

Saturday, December 29, 2007

Opened my eyes to the feeling of 1-2 pm. How would i have known it was already 4.30pm, i felt so wasted, not forgetting the complimentary tickets which would soon be wasted if i do not make use of it by today. I got berwin down to watch warlords with me, i don't think i should go typing what and how warlord is because it is already "a free listed" movie meaning it's been on for quite some time so they allow complimentary tickets for it. So most of you all must have watched it, pointless to talk about the movie. Let's talk about how berwin and i had MAJOR problems coming home after we missed the train. We decided that there would be a nightrider bus, but after waiting for 30mins, we panicked and called for help. I don't think the call was much of a help, it scared us more. We were advised to walk home from orchard, camp out or take a cab (we didn't have more than 3 bucks). If we chose to walk home, prepare to see us only on tuesday (we might take 2 days to walk home), if we camped in orchard, my next few posts will be on whatever stupid things we'll do in orchard to kill time. Berwin came out with a stupid idea, ask the cab to tongpang (hitch a ride) back home. Maybe when taxi drivers become as dumb as berwin, they MIGHT do just that. So after all the "help" and worrying, the stupid N6 bus came, hopped on, headed to hougang and walked home from there. Walking past a big big field, i heard lots of frogs croaking. Caleb: "What the fuck, so many frogs in that field." Berwin: "yalor, you go lie down there lahh, confirm damn shiok, no mosquitos." Caleb: "Crazy, why?" Berwin: "So many frogs, sure eat up all the mosquitos." Berwin han has potential to be "Country's greatest nature reserve biologist".

Friday, December 28, 2007

Disco night was funny, nobody could really dance. So we just made nonsense and shake our asses away. Phyliss didn't do a bimbo dance today, or rather, she did not even dance. So this proves she is no longer a bimbo, and for fuck's sake phyliss, when you have a dance partner, just fucking dance with him. I swear i'll never dance with you again, YOU SUCK. Someone should just invent a tablet which slows down brain function, to stop people from thinking too much. If we had any worries, just pop one tablet and your brain slows down so much until you stop thinking about it, thus you stop worrying about it. I would stock ten cartons of this in my room.

Wednesday, December 26, 2007

I spent the entire night out yesterday with dickson without a wink of sleep. And the moment i got home, i watched american pie 1 & 2 from 7am till 11 am. American pie might seem to be some meaningless dirty movie to most people. But after watching part 1, 2 and 5. It seems like every ending ends with some true love theory, the couple starts to realise about how they feel for each other after the annual party. The annual party is where guy meets girl and do it, drink and just have pure fun. So american pie is considered romance comedy, okay no. Dirty romance comedy. FUCKING PUSSY FACE ! Okay, i just felt like shouting out that over the net cause i can't possibly do that at home when my parents are in. I want to release the fucking furry inside ! FUCK FACE

Tuesday, December 25, 2007

I'm starting to hate festive seasons which my friends and family celebrates. All i do is to sit at the void decks and chat my head off like old people when my family and friends are partying out there. Not convincing? Look at how han and i spent our christmas at the "Senior residents corner". We bought one can of pepsi, one packet of garlic bread crackers and one packet of ring crackers. We then realise if you took a picture of the word pepsi, you get a number 12939. We were too bored and decided to use 2 pieces of ring crackers and a piece of garlic cracker to make a fish burger. Look real? So christmas year 2007 was spent under the void deck with me and han saying merry christmas to each other, oh and we were lacking a set of chess piece to start playing chess on the table. I see many more christmas-es and other festives being spent like that. Thinking of how i'm gonna "celebrate" the upcoming festive seasons in the coming years is starting to bore me more than it already is now, dang.

Monday, December 24, 2007

Christmas eve's party was great. The food was good, the people were good. Kenneth and i bought everyone at the party walking sticks ! Well, it came in handy for mass where we had to stand for 2 hours and also when we left the party all shagged and needed something to support ourselves on the way home. We put up with alot of humiliation carrying 28 walking sticks all the way from town back home. Salesmen were asking what in the world that were and people were staring endlessly. One poor injured man on the LRT even asked if i was selling the sticks cause he needed one. I can't believe it, i think i looked like one of those charitable organization trying to sell walking sticks to earn a few bucks.

Sunday, December 23, 2007

The bug in me is getting from bad to worse. The flu is not getting any better, the body aches are frequent and the dizzy spells are driving me erm, dizzy ! Maybe it's withdrawal symptoms from not getting my daily dosage of a particular someone *grins*. Looks like the YI camp changed the people alot. Gotta meet phyllis today after god knows how long, and i swear she is no longer bimbotic. No more "fuck you caleb" and starts kicking, punching you. She has OFFICIALLY changed to become a nicer girl. Don't believe me? Check out her personal message. It used to be "fuck blah blah blah.." or "DIE BITCH" or any other horrid, vulgar and explict stuffs you can imagine coming out from her mouth. Now, she praises god with her personal message. Wonderful? I must find out how powerful the camp is to change someTHING like phyllis. Even when i told phyllis about her personality change, she laughed it off with a shrug. Must buy lottery arhh...phenomenal sign.

Saturday, December 22, 2007

So everyone DO have problems. I know you people reading this will say "of course, but i think the fella who posted this has a bigger problem for asking such a riduculous question." But if life is a bundle of problems, why do we strive to live? In that case, wouldn't everyone be committing suicide? I guess it's the unwillingness to leave your loved ones(family, friends, girlfriend, etc...) behind and just go like that, so it's your loved ones that pushes you to live. Then again, if life is a bundle of joy, why would anyone strive to die? So maybe life is really a bundle of problems, but i'm unwilling to let go of my loved ones, that is what's keeping me here.
Cheeeeb, i dropped my phone into the toilet bowl and it totally is not working now. Bad stuffs happens one after another don't they? I woke up to a really painful throat and bad flu. For a promise, i lose my interest. For a sms, i lose my phone. For a quarell, i lose my family. I never expected this christmas to be good anyway. BRRR, so it's alright. Well, to make myself feel better, i pointed the middle finger to the toilet bowl everytime i see it to make myself feel accomplished, at least i gave it a lesson, so it might never take other people's phone again.

Friday, December 21, 2007

National treasure 2 is a superb movie. Watched it at subsidised price at only 4 bucks thanks to dickson goh. I feel like going to bukit timah hill in search for a treasure grove or dive under sentosa to find singapore's very own atlantis. All that treasure hunting got into me so quick that for almost an hour, i was thinking which part of singapore will have burried treasure and how to get it.

Wednesday, December 19, 2007

YES ! I'm back from the chalet that drained me of my money and energy. Usual yearly routine of sleeping on the hard cold floor with friends, go for late night walks and talk, do stupid things. The theme park proved too much for me, my "friends" dragged me into the viking ship and i screamed my adam's apple out. Serious shit, i didn't know why i was so terrified. A bunch of girls sitting in front of me actually laughed at me, DANG. After the pirate ship, i didn't take anymore rides and i went back to the chalet to rest my heart. We had a boxing match with pillows as gloves, but most of us ended up injured. I got a torn lip and bruised back, but it was really fun ! I'm 60 bucks poorer now, so DON'T call me out.

Sunday, December 16, 2007

I have learnt my lesson, never to bite my fingernails whenever i'm using the laptop. About a month back, i bit my nails and a piece of it dropped into the tiny gaps of the keyboard. Until today, i have been using my laptop with a semi functional "S" button. I have to press really hard just to type S, becasue the nail was stuck beneath it. 25 minutes ago i was pissed off (the accumalation of being piss for being unable to type properly) so i decided to do something about it. I yahoo answered "how to remove buttons from keyboard" and i realised the answer was just, to pluck it out with force. I tried that, i felt the tension so i was thinking "hmm, it was stated pull the button up, do not use exessive force" and there i was pulling it with all my might. So i went back to read again. CHEEEB, bloody hell scare the shit outa me. They were refering to DESKTOP keyboard, not laptop! So i searched for "how to remove buttons from LAPTOP keyboard". And the answer was, NO, you will spoil your laptop. I think i almost ruined my own laptop, lucky me. So i decided to head for shyan's advice, toothpicks. Amazingly it worked. But after 20 mins of trying to pry here and there. I will never bite my nails when i'm using the laptop anymore.

Saturday, December 15, 2007

YES. It is true that parents are crazy, they complain about me playing the guitar too loudly and yet they got me a new guitar for christmas. The moment i reached home to test out the new gift, some asshole called me all the way down to ngee ann. This fella the mother got problem ! Basket you dickson goh. KNNBCCB. But he repaid the favour by buying fries and one cup of drink at carl's junior (drinks are refillable there). So 5 friends drank the drink so quickly that we had to refill it every less than one minute. Clarence refilled 3 times and refused to go anymore, he claimed the staff looked at him when he refilled the drink the 3rd time, we were sitting at the back so the staff thought clarence was alone. If i were the staff, i would have done so too, a guy refilling his drink every 40 secs? So clarence was too pai seh-ed to go again, so we sent another representative. Now's the SEA games, if there was a medal for "fastest drinker" for small size cup catergory, i think the staff might have elected clarence.

Friday, December 14, 2007

I am crashing in asiq's house now and the night seems really lonely. Chalet will be up in a few days time which will be a great time to unwind myself as well as erm, unwinding my wallet (i can't even be so sure if there's even enough to unwind in the first place). Asiq's granny gave me 2 bucks to eat ! I didn't bring my wallet along so i'm poor and hungry, but that sweet old lady gave me some money to eat! Luckily she did, if not i will be hated by my friends for stealing their portion of food. Old ladies are nice and beautiful, arh.. Now that i'm after old ladies, what am i called? A guy who goes after young kids are pedophiles, what about a guy who goes after old ladies? Maybe they should come out a word for it.

Thursday, December 13, 2007

Dad hasn't been working for a few days, so he's been staying home watching teevee and becoming our chauffeur. I woke up hearing some rap songs, i turned to the teevee and saw MTV with some singer rapping. What's worse, i saw dad shaking his head to the music. I was laughing in my mind, 40 year old man enjoying this kinda music? Weird old man. I was home aloned for the rest of the day after 12pm. Being broke and bored, i forced myself to sleep throughout the afternoon. The best way to kill time is sleep, what seems like 5 minutes when you're sleeping is actually a few hours. That's why we always wake up late thinking "damn, i thought i only slept for 5 mins, how come like 1 hour pass already?" This is one major contributing factor that caused me to have a number of red forms (late for school) during my secondary school time.

Wednesday, December 12, 2007

It's spooky when you hear a particular song everywhere you go. I have been listening to my iTunes on shuffle mode on the com for the past week. The song "I Can't fight this feeling anymore" by air supply keeps playing frequently out of 5 gig of songs. Okay, not wierd enough? I listen to my radio at home, gold 90.5 every morning (that's if i wake up in the mornings). And this song came out 2 times within the week (i only woke up like 2 times in the morning for the week). Still not weird enough? I was at this restaurant and they played this song from a cd. Worst? I decided to use the iTunes radio, american radio staions. And not hard to guess, they played that song too. Flying fuck ! I used to love this song alot but not when i'm currently in this situation and i defitnely do NOT need songs with titles and lyrics that brings down your confidence which in turn makes my ordeal look more obvious to myself. I CAN fight this feeling far far far longer. So SHUT UP air supply and stop phyco-ing me. I CAN I CAN ! A really inspirational song now will be "BOB the builder" It simply goes CAN WE DO IT ? YES WE CAN !
Felt really good today, recovered from the bad headache. Woke up early today to catch a movie on teevee with dad. The whole family went out and i was home aloned from 12pm onwards. Dad was nice enough to drive home at 4pm to bring me to his office to play. The arcade in his office bores me, so off for dinner with jacky and mum at some thai restaurant. Jacky was being annoying today by boasting about his life, which i think he has nothing much to boast about, really. Dad felt crazy and gave me money to buy myself 3 new shirts. Home we went and off i went to meet asiq and clarence. Asiq's mum is so sweet lahh, ask me to take care when i was walking home near 12.30am. She even asked asiq to call me to check if i've reached home, which i felt asiq was really reluctant about it, but nevertheless he called. Sweet boy and sweet mum. Asiq is a really open brother, he teaches his 3 year old kid brother to point his middle finger to anyone who lands feet in their house. I swear that boy is cute.

Tuesday, December 11, 2007

I've never experienced such bad headache in my entire life until yesterday. Gosh, my head was hurting so bad as if someone smashed it with a sledge hammer. Maybe it was caused by the impact of the soccer ball that hit me in my back. Some guys playing football had to kick the ball at my back, maybe it caused internal injuries and made my blood flow backwards causing the major headache. When the ball hit me, i was mouthing the words "fuck you assholes" and secretly thought of bashing them up in my mind. Visions of me flying kicking them one by one onto the ground was satisfying, but in reality, they were still up and perfectly unharmed playing their football match.

Monday, December 10, 2007

Hoey has left singapore ! Sadly, not for good. But still it's something we will all rejoice. When mum was sending off hoey, she asked us to say bye to him. Jacky, wenxian and i waved bye and looked sad. The moment the door was shut, we 3 smiled at each other, gave a HI 5 to one another and continued watching teevee. I think it's much more fun after he left. But he'll be back soon by january, dang. It's gonna be, the return of hoey part 2.

Sunday, December 9, 2007

The last minute trip down to the orphange was a blast. Everything turned out differently from what i expected, it ended up to be a christmas party over there and we enjoyed the good spread of a buffet and music, by us. Everyone was singing and playing in their santa's hat, even i wore one and played the guitar, i think it was funny, a band of santa's! We were their live band for the night and i've never once played with so much joy before. Even though the songs were simple and needed not much practice, i enjoyed it alot because i felt really welcomed there. It's amazing how the attitude of the audience affects my mood, i've been playing to really "dead" people for the last few performances, but today is truly amazing, EVERYONE sang along.

Saturday, December 8, 2007

It's 3.54am and i'm feeling really upset over a song. I heard this really old but nice and jumpy song, and it is really nice. So i downloaded it and listened to it, the tune really is great and i thought this would be like any happy love song because the tune really is jumpy and catchy. But when i paid attention to the lyrics, the whole song revolves about how the singer lost his loved one in a car accident. "Oh where, oh where can my baby be? The Lord took her away from me. She's gone to Heaven, so I got to be good. So I can see my baby when I leave this world. I lifted her head, she looked at me and said Hold me darling just a little while I held her close, I kissed her, our last kiss. I found the love that I knew I had missed. Well, now she's gone even though I hold her tight I lost my love, my life, that night. " For no apparent reason, this vision of me being in this car accident with my loved one appeared in my mind. Thinking of it already hurts/sucks so so bad, imagine the sorrow and hurt one would feel if this would have happen to them. So don't take too long to say i love you to the ones you love.

Friday, December 7, 2007

Once upon a time, there was this boy who had no directions in life. Until he stumbled across a magic photo. And that photo led him to go after something everyone deemed immposible. He held on tight to his beliefs and walked that road that seemed to lead to nowhere. After months of walking and walking, he finally saw his destination from 100 of miles away, of course, with the help of a binoculars. And so he felt he will reach there in a couple of years more to come, so his passion in search for the princess in the magic photo was propelled. On the road, he has met with creatures/monsters strongly opposing him to go to the white castle (where the princess is). Being the chosen one, the fairy god mother gave him an armour and a sword. He bravely fought off the creatures and is now in continuing his journey. Please come back and read the ending of the story in maybe 1-2 years. Only then will you know the outcome of "the trip to white castle".

Please read
Disclaimer : Characters in story are of no relevance to any living person
In case of coincidence, author is filled with utmost regret along with gratitude for
being understanding
Thank you

Thursday, December 6, 2007

i love rock and roll

Today i watched hitman. Dang. It was quite cool i guess.
Made me want to play with Jacky's gun.
Spent the day at Berwin's house.
If i was a girl, I would chase after Berwin.
He's so attractive and cute. Everything a girl could ask for.

Pesky pussy, hoy did i ever come up with such a queer alliteration?
I must have been really pesky to certain pussies.
Cheeeeb la. I should change my URL soon.
Its probably jinxing me right now.
No wonder I haven't had much luck lately.
I'll change it soon to something like
Hmmm I hope it'll work.
Okay I'll go gay around in my room now.

Wednesday, December 5, 2007

Tatooist is something you people shouldn't watch, it's like getting a tatoo and regret it. You can't get rid of the tatoo. That will be how you feel after watching the movie, regretful. It is a singapore and american cooperated film, the singaporean casts really runied the movie with their bad accent. Wenxian left for his friend's house to stay over so i've got the whole room to myself ! But dang, i'm real tired and can fall asleep any moment now. I can't make full use of the night being alone in the room. I wanna have my own room and stop having a pesky kid brother to share it with me ! Maybe i'll poison his food soon.

Tuesday, December 4, 2007

The weather today roasted a bunch of boys that went fishing. I headed home in the evening to find myself being sleepy and scared. So scared i couldn't sleep, it turned out i read too much into it and scared the shit outta myself. But if you're a guy, i swear you'ld have thought like me !Somebody went to change my profile in friendster ! My gender became female, my country became phoenix and deleted all my information. I kinda find this person cute and funny !

Monday, December 3, 2007

Within 15 mins from leaving my bed, i met han right outside my house. I left for his house to play the guitar where we both played a really cute song that took us almost a day to learn it. Being so in to the song, we skipped breakfast and lunch so we felt really hungry and we went to chomp chomp to eat. We walked home amazingly within an hour and a half. Before we left for chomp chomp, we saw this girl playing basketball with some guys at a basketball court. This girl is stupid and ugly. We heard her shout "Hand ball !" Which idiot plays basketball without using their hands. And next, she was horribly ugly that we concluded that even if the ball smashed her face, she would go "oh, never mind, smash my face it's okay, no difference to my face."

Sunday, December 2, 2007

Yay, we have finished our filming and i kinda miss those people who worked with me. Dickson, brandon and i were in this mrt on our way home when we fucking smelt durians. Dickson and brandon were like not embaressed and shouted "NO durians in the mrt". So many people were looking at us lahh. So embaressing, they wanted to tell the aunty with the durian to read the sign "No durians". I prevented them from doing so, in the meanwhile, we realised dickson had something more offendable than durians. He was holding a can of adhesive spray that wrote EXTREMLY FLAMMABLE. The sign stated "no smoking, no eating & drinking, no flammable objects and no durians." Fines are according, $500, $500, $5000, no fine for durians. And dickson was holding something with the highest fine, $5000. And he dared to go tell the aunty no durians. What an asshole.

Saturday, December 1, 2007

Dad and i fixed my spoilt guitar ! It's been weeks since i played it. Finally we got it fixed, i thought it would be gone FOREVER. So i rocked the whole house really loud, and dad said he regretted fixing it for me. He preferred the peace and quiet. I'm so tired already. Jacky's right, he's one big clown too. But he recently told me it's really tiring and silly to be a clown forever. He told me this when i asked him to do another silly video. First sensible thing he said. What the pundeh is wrong with the radio station. They seem to play songs that make me emotional, i'm listening to "cherish the love". Oh, i forgot i'm listening to oldies. I wanna see what happens when i die, will people make me a tributal video? Yeah, most probably me doing retard stuffs that makes people laugh at my funeral instead of sobbing. So who will cry for me one day!?

Friday, November 30, 2007

Today is another day which i cannot reveal. Secrecy, i feel like a CIA agent. On secret missions which the public will not be informed of. I'm kinda always broke now and i don't know how long this poverty streak will last. Being poor is fun, i shared food and drinks with friends and it was fun ! Dickson and i shared a bowl of Bar Chor Mee that costed 2 bucks, we were so hungry we fought over it and we gobbled it all up in less than 2 mins. Being poor might not be as bad after all, it's fun !

Thursday, November 29, 2007

Woke up to the ringing of my phone and realised i was sorta late. So i rushed down to meet dick goh for filming. I ended up shitting in bras basah complex, i swear my butt resisted seating on the toilet bowl but the tummy could not tahan so i sat on the MOST horrible toilet bowl ever and felt violated after shitting. I never felt this way before. Back to ngee ann campus to film, and i have to admit it's a really nice school with nice people. Filming went all fine now let me sleep to make up for the little hours i slept last night.

Wednesday, November 28, 2007

If life was a boardgame, we roll the dice but pray the fucking rules change. Then what's the point in playing when we want everything our way. Sometimes bad stuffs always happen but there'll still be a little good in what ever little is left of our life. So now i would rather abide by the rules no matter how fucked up they are and take things one step at a time solving whatever is thrown onto my lap. This is one challenging boardgame to play, i'll finish it one day, ONE DAY.

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Today was one hell lota fun a day. I'm so shagggggy doody and i'm gonna sleep now and not wake up even if someone bombs my house, i wouldn't mind dying because i've accomplished something amazing today. Wow.

Monday, November 26, 2007

I aspire to be a durian seller now. Now wait, girls who want to be my wife, do not despair and think you'll live a shabbily with me when i become a durian seller. Because i have just made an amazing discovery that durians can be sold at a higher price than ever imagined. About 2 hours ago, dad and mum were itching to go out for a drive. So 3 of us drove off to get some durians and pizza. And my goodness, the durians were more expensive than the pizza. 3 pathetic small durians were priced at 45 bucks. My jaws hung when i heard 45 bucks, mum was like "What the fuck" in her eyes, but we had to pay. So now guess how much durian sellers earn a day when his durian rack had only approximately 10-15 durians left? I think i'm gonna be a millionaire soon if i follow this path of fruitiness !

Sunday, November 25, 2007

MAKING LOVE OUT OF NOTHING AT ALL ! Cheeeeeb, must ask Air supply (a band) how they do it. Making love out of NOTHING at all is seriously no mean feat okay? Imagine if we've mastered this skill. Woosheew ! I am coming for you AIR SUPPLY !

Saturday, November 24, 2007

Jacky crashed in our room last night, so wenxian jacky and i were playing games late into the night. The aircon was freezing, so wenxian dared us to take off our shirts and sleep. Jacky being idiot child number one, took off his shirt. Subsequently, we got dared to take off our pants. Being idiot child number one always, he did what he was dared. So he slept with his underwear hogging my blanket. Suddenly mum came in to ask us to lower our volume when jacky got freaked out and pretended to sleep. Mum knew jacky wouldn't sleep when it is a friday night where we play till really late. So she suspected something was wrong when jacky slept so soon. She pulled off the blanket and saw a naked boy. Do not pity jacky, pity me. Mum assumed i taught jacky homosexuality and i got a lecture. Okay, jacky got it a little too for sleeping with his undies only.

Friday, November 23, 2007

Sentosa was an animal discovery session today. We caught numerous numbers of crabs, one baby octopus that squirted ink, one long prawn and a baby little squid. The fishes were too fast to be caught, so we had much fun examining the things we caught ! My legs are aching like i've got dinosaur bites. I hate sentosa's tram rides, they are always packed and we wait at the stations for nothing, okay wait. We didn't wait for nothing, we donated litres of blood to insects camping around for fools like us to believe there would be seats on the tram. So we donated blood, see the packed tram go past our eyes and walked to the beach station. Insects are much more clever now, they know where to camp to suck idiot children's blood. Eeeerungh, evolution has begun.

Thursday, November 22, 2007

Mum's becoming mental. I wake up everyday not to my alarm clock but to her yelling at my brothers and maid. It's really scary, i have to pretend to sleep in bed if not i might get a piece of it too. When i wake up, i pretend to be blur and walk around ruffling my hair acting that i do not know a shit about the commotion that happened. Eeeeerungh. Jacky tried to make mum angry by acting cool. He was staring out the window when mum said "go sleep". Jacky did not reply until mum used a fiercer tone. Jacky raised his eyebrows and said "ya talking to me?" Mum played along and said "nope, talking to the spirits in the room." And she started bullshitting about ghosts in our house and now jacky is so scared that he dare not sleep in the room. So much for acting cool. Total fool.

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

It's been ultra man years since i enjoyed the morning sun. And today i went jogging around the estate at 6.18 am and i swear it felt like i was running with weights chained onto my feet. The first 5 minutes were rather alright, looking like an olympic runner. But after the first 5 minutes, i started to think why the hell has singapore became so so big. It seemed bigger than ever, the pavement was never ending. But no matter what i told myself i'ld run 10 laps so i forced myself to finish 10 laps. And the sense of accomplishment was great, i tell you GREAT. Yeah, not forgetting the aches which were as great. This whammed me into bed for hours, perfect remedy for sleepless people.

Tuesday, November 20, 2007

I love being an asshole. I was such a huge asshole that i quarelled with a bangala over a soccer ball. Forget it, the details make me seem so low down and despicable. I feel assholic and guilty now, it was my fault yet i talked back. Brr, i'm sorry Mr Bangala. You might not get to see this but i hope you feel it. I don't think you would google "quarell with bangala today" and get linked to my site. But still, god knows how if you come to see this, i'm so sorry and all the best in your career.

Monday, November 19, 2007

It's been a really long time since i teared, it's been years. And today, i teared after reading what you told me. It wasn't easy holding back my tears, there was this weird sensation that struck me and somewhere in my chest i felt it crumple up and my tears just came down. I'm gonna wash my face now before anyone sees me this way.

Sunday, November 18, 2007

Little boys are the funniest little things ever. There were 2 japan little boys who went over to my mum's friend house. We know them, so we went over to visit. The adult male at home walked around half naked, and the little boy said the uncle's armpit is very hairy. So the man (mum & dad's friend) asked if it was very unique. The boy said yeah, because his dad does not have armpit hair. To add it on, he said his dad had no dick hair therefore it's weird why this uncle have hair. The whole house was was filled with laughter. We asked why and he said it was because they go for hot baths together. I swear this little boy is so cute, so innocent ! So his theory is, if his dad does not have something, all the man in the world will not have it. This shows how important a father's behaviour or action is to his kid. I wanna be a great father when i'm a little older, maybe when i'm 25.

Friday, November 16, 2007

I wanna tell a story. Once, there was this poor boy, he was lost in the north pole and it was fucking freezing. He had little clothes, but enough to last him through a week. Soon, he stumbled across a hot spring in the middle of nowhere. But this hot spring is magical and is way fucking hot, so it can be found in the north pole. So he had two options, jump in that hot pool and enjoy the heat or live freezing for a week. At that very moment, the hot pool would have been the best option. So the boy jumped in the hot pool and enjoyed the heat. After a long while, the boy got boiled to death. He could have survived if he did not jump in the pool. So moral is, what seems good at a very point of time to you, might just be the fucking thing that killls you. Bottom line, choices get you fucked up. Hope you never get to make choices, just follow whatever is thrown onto your lap.
Salt anniversary went off all well. Yay.

Wednesday, November 14, 2007

I seriously wonder why i still have no school now. Maybe my life is somewhat like the boardgame LIFE. And someone is the player. You know in the boardgame LIFE, you roll the dice and you move the number of steps. Sometimes you land on a bad spot and they say move back 3 steps. In this boardgame, there would be one particular box that says "graduate from college", so if you land on that box or pass that box, you graduate from college right? But i think the player rolling the dice for my life has bad luck. Always roll until that i land on "Move back 3 steps" or worse "Head back to start". So i never have the chance to graduate. Screw the fuckers renovating their house somewhere near mine. Damn noisy, hope they accidentally saw off their hands, go to the hospital stay for one month. So they need not renovate anymore.

Tuesday, November 13, 2007

Now that i have almost recovered from my sickness, i am about to get sick again. Not physically but emotionally sick. Brrrr, why did my brother become like this. It's scaring me, do all kids become like this when they hit the secondary 1- 2 stage ? It scares the shit outta me, he's becoming so cheenapiang. Tell me whyyyyy, ain't nothing but a heartache. Somebody kill me please.
I am almost recovered. So being well bodied, i was able to run out and play ! Being sick for 2 days was like lying in a coma for 2 years. I was fed porridege every meal with pathetic pork and salted egg. Then i would force myself to take medicine that never fails to make me dizzy thus spending 3/4 of my time sleeping. So i went off to do some filming today for the upcoming friday event. And i happened to leave my house late and my friend called me to ask where i am. This has happened to me so many times and i lied to them like erm uncountable times. Once. he reached compass point and i was still in my bathroom. So he asked where i was, and i replied walking there. He replied i was lying and i was shocked by how he knew so i asked him why. He replied that he could hear the background. I was like urgh, yalahh, i'm a dumb dumb. Then i realised something, i have been messaging him all along. So i replied him "fuck you bitch, i texted you so how could you hear the background." I actually was so flustered up that i believed him. Being late and worst still making a friend wait is very very bad, it pricks your conscience really hard, that's why i got flustered up and believed his nonsense.

Monday, November 12, 2007

The sickness ain't getting any better. I think i shall stop playing doctor by randomly taking medicine i find in the fridge. Gosh, i feel really dizzy now after taking some sweet sweet syrup which i assume it is cough syrup. I'm listening to heavy music, lying on my bed and it seems like i'm in a disco high on drugs. Weehoo, my eyes are rolling and the eyelids are opening and closing, opening and closing !

Sunday, November 11, 2007

Gee, i've slept at 2pm on sunday all the way to monday's 6.30am. I can't believe it, i think this is the longest sleep i've ever got, well partly becuase of the flu medicine i've taken, but still 16 and a half hours is really alot. Wenxian used my laptop last night resulting in my msn signing in automatically, so i'm sorry if i didn't reply to any of your online messages. Jacky did a stupid thing with his "chinese computer dictionary". He typed in chinese words "hoey shi tong xing lian". The chinese dicitonary has this function of reading out whatever you typed in it. So it read out kinda loudly "Hoey is gay". For once the computer dicitonary told some truth. I'm so soo craving for food. I've been digesting my own fats for the long hours i was sleeping. Bahh, i want prata.

Saturday, November 10, 2007

Basket, i'm down with a bad throat and heavy flu. Screw it, my throat hurts everytime i swallow my saliva and i've used half a toilet roll for my flu within 2 hours. Using up half a toilet roll within two hours is no joke okay? It is equivalant to wiping your ass from shitting for 2-3 weeks, and amazingly, i used up half within a span of two hours. My nose skin is peeling from all that friction and i look like a boy with artificial red blinking nose. I've just smacked two panadols and i hope it wipes out all the foreign bodies in my system. Drink YAKULT ! It kills the bacteria in the tummy ! YES DIE BACTERIA DIE.

Friday, November 9, 2007

My bum is numb, i sat on the stupid small stool for hours using the laptop, Suddenly, when i stood up, i could not feel my bum ! It was the leg numb feeling but on the bum. Couldn't walk, so i laid on the bed and asked for advice. I was told to jiggle my bum, i tried. But not effective, so i rubbed my own bum and i'm feeling better now. Oh ya, the MRT i took today, jammed its brake three times in the middle of nowhere and one poor lady fell 2 out of 3 times. She was so pissed, she sat on the floor till we reached the next station.

Thursday, November 8, 2007

Jacky's crying in bed now and it's 12.24 am. He turned in at 10pm but didn't catch a single wink of sleep because wen xian that fool watched Dawn of the dead with him and scared the balls out of him. I can hear him sobbing in his room, i pity him and wanted to ask him to sleep with me but mum didn't allow. I don't know why, here are two possible reasons. She might think jacky is faking it so he can come and sleep in my room and play with me, that is what always happens whenver he crashes in my room. We will whip out our laptops, PSP and iPods and play till he can't wake up for school tomorrow. Second reason might be, mum wants to train him to become like Jackie chan : tough, manly, cool. Sadly our jacky does not inherit any of these traits by having the similar name as Jackie chan. On the contrary, the character of our jacky strongly oppose those characters of Jackie chan. How dissapointing.

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

I need jokes to crack myself up. But i seriously hope life isn't a big joke because i do not understand it. One day, in venice. When the people still used the gullotine to exectue people, they were ready to behead a priest, lawyer and an engineer. So when the priest was laid on the machine and the warden pulled the rope, nothing happened. The priest then said "it is god's will, let me go." So they let him off. Next was the lawyer, when they pulled the rope, nothing happened again. So the lawyer went reciting the law "no man can be executed twice, blah blah blah." So he was released. Lastly, it was the engineer. When they pulled the rope, nothing happened too. The engineer went "Oh, i see your problem!"

Tuesday, November 6, 2007

I can't feel my legs, they are numb. I've walked far too much today and it's killing me. Haven't seen sacha for like dinosaur years and amazingly when we called her to go out today, she did ! Much laughter and fun just with the three of us, neighbour, me and sacha. The long bus rides and farts were funnaye ! How i miss those times all of us would hang out together. But i miss my iPod more, it's in captivity of sacha armstrong.

Monday, November 5, 2007

Dinner at chomp chomps. Went home and had war with berwin and gwen in facebook. We were fighting each other, bitch slapping one another, buying each other and all sort of nonsense for hours and hours. I feel so "gelat" now. The carrot cake and oyster eggs i ate are secreting oil into my stomach every second. I can taste the "oil" right up to my throat. I feel horrendously sick. *bleach* I think i should drink lots of water now. If i do, the oil will float on the water inside my tummy, then the oil will rise up to my throat and i can spit it out like how we spit phlegm. I'm so bright !

Sunday, November 4, 2007

It's so hard to really blog nowadays. You can't really express what you feel AT ALL. I can't write what i want to bitch about someone, and even if i do. The maximum extent is bitch bitch bitch but don't show the name, but...if that fuck face comes and read it, he/she will know that we're rocketing them. Then it becomes a triad war where some friends take your side or go agaisnt you for whatever you said. BOOM, big bang. So what's the point of an internet diary when i can or am ONLY binded to writing my funny or happy moments. What happens to all my not so great moments? Evaporate into thin air. A diary is for us to read back whatever happened before and reminisce about the old times regardless good or bad and have a laugh at it (which i usually do perhaps every 6 months). So when we can't vent our fustrations over the internet diary, what do we do? We go home angry and start picking on our family members over the slightest thing because you're all heated up. Time and again, it turns out that your family gets what the fuck face (person you wanna bitch about) deserves. So is it worth it to mete out punishment to your younger brothers (younger easier to bully) instead of the fuck faces? NO, so i'm going to just bash my head against the wall and make holes in them to realease the fumes/steams boiling in my head. But just to make myself feel at ease, i have to again say, "shake this" (holds my dick).

Friday, November 2, 2007

Major thunderstorm today early in the afternoon but rainbows and sunshine potraited from the carebear cartoon filled singapore today after the stormy weather. It was as if i could see carebears bouncing around the green green lawn and each carebear floating around like how they consumed marijuana with their dazed faces saying "ahh, gimme more"(try visualising that). If you still can't catch the meaning, it simply means happy. "ahh, gimme more"

Thursday, November 1, 2007

Was eating my prata when i started to think about my primary school life, i've always been bitching about secondary, polytechnic school life and leaving out primary school. So here are some of my memories in primary school. Starting with maths, i 'ld remember how only four names would be used in the entire maths textbook namely: Ahmad, Bala, Sumei and John. They are imprinted in my mind, how can i ever forget them after 6 years of maths with only four pathetic names. For english, we had PETS textbooks where i never paid attention in class but try spotting the hidden animals. For chinese, we had dictation every week where the teacher gives a paragraph he picks from the chinese textbook and we have to memorise them and write it out when he reads, eeew, i hated that, chinese spelling too. For science, we had Young Zoologist ! We had to do experiments and earn badges, i loved that. I remembered my form teacher was the teacher teaching every other subject except PE and Chinese. I don't know if other schools were like that. Every year, we would receive Sharity envolopes, i remembered one joker donated 5 cents and got scolded, i'ld never forget that. During recess, i'ld play in the hall where Ong teng chong and his wife's photo hanged beside the BIG clock. In classes, bastard monitors and bitch moniteress would go "talk one more time, i book you ahh !" Lastly, there was this craze for digimon, bumble bee yoyo, eraser game and kicking tennis ball in the basketball court. And to make things worse, my wallet was velcro tpye those days, now if i had to use those, i'ld jump off a building. As much as i remember, this was what my primary school lifestyle was and i'm very sure everybody had at least 1 or 2 common points from what i stated. I'm 334645637677% sure.

Wednesday, October 31, 2007

KFC suck ass. They are cheeebing stingy, they refuse to give me packet chilli sauce now. They want customers to only use the "squeeze" chilli box that might squirt red chilli all over your shirt. When i pressed the knob down for chilli, "blurp blurp blurp" sound came out and chilli flew past my shirt. If it did hit my shirt, it'ld be a result of KFC's stinginess for chilli, and i would then throw the box of chilli on them. Wait, what difference does it have? Their uniform's red too. Screw them. Hope the chickens realise that the biggest murderer for chicken species is KFC and that the chickens might launch war on KFC one day.

Tuesday, October 30, 2007

The cleaner aunty's reaction was hilarious, Jo (guy with long hair and beard/moustache) wore the IJ uniform and ate in the foodcourt with us. The cleaner aunty got a shocked and shouted in hokkien. "Alamak, an chua char bor wu hor chew !" In english it means "alamak, why this girl have beard/moustache!" I couldn't control but laugh at what cute stuff some random aunty said. I think she got quite shocked, but to be fair, who wouldn't be if you see a girl with a beard/moustache ?

Monday, October 29, 2007

I walked past a notice board today, and i saw this really stupid/weird advert for something that seemed like "call for maths tutuion". And the moment i saw his equation, god, i knew i would never ever call this guy for MATHS tution. Gosh, just look at his equation, 1+1+1=9. This fella is ridiculous, put the number nine(obviously the wrong answer) in such huge font and still dared to show his face. I don't know if he's much of a loser or what, did he even got pass PSLE or let alone kindergarden maths?

Sunday, October 28, 2007

Last night i had the smelliest fart ever in my whole life, i farted in the comforter while the 3 of us were sleeping on the same bed, i slowly opened the comforter and OH MY GOD. The smell was released and jacky(fart essence king) beared with it, but gave in after the stench lasted more than he could hold his breath. The other brother jumped off the bed and screamed. Jacky got the tittle "fart essence king" because he farts really often and loves doing one stupid thing. Fart in his hands, run towards hoey and rub the essence all over his small face. Hoey would scream and run to the toilet washing his face. Now, jacky is checking his underwear next to me on the bed, he's checking if he had crapped in his underwear. All because he forced himself to fart and now he might have crapped in his pants.

Saturday, October 27, 2007

I have to admit it. I pretty kinda miss schooling, i can't wait for my school to start. I prayed for a long holiday like what i am having now when i used to school, but when i don't school, i pray for school to start soon. I am weird ! Watched a triad movie today at jubilee. They should change their name to cheatbilee, i thought the tickets were at 5 bucks, but it turned out to be 8 bucks. They should ask Boys like girls (a band for you non music idiots) to change "the great escape" (their song) to "the great cheat". You cheating cheebs. But their cinema hall is really old and to my liking, 80's style. I'm in no mood for anything except for some nonsense, i'm too burned out.

Friday, October 26, 2007

FFF day today. Not the "F" letter word multiply by 3 times day but "Fun filled family" day. Promise my brothers i would look them up after school to join them for games and dinner. And hell yeah we blasted the arcade in dad's office like dad owned it. Amazingly, it's been a real long time i've spent time with my family, and i kinda like it when i do that now, there's this tingling feeling that makes me feel accomplished and good. Dad and mum felt "young" and brought me out for supper near 12 and i brought dick goh along. Maybe simplicity might just be the answer, no need anything extravagant, life can just be as nice as what you started off with, your family. But everytime i look back at what you've done, i fear for the same thing that might happen again. I'm at a yes yes and no no situation, look what you've done mum. I love my iPod, i had to express my feelings for it (if only expressing feelings to another human being was this simple), i guess i just changed the mood of this entry by professing my love for my iPod !

Thursday, October 25, 2007

YOU'RE A FUCK FACE, you think you're good? Shake this (holds my dick) ! Alright, i just had the sudden urge to say this.

Wednesday, October 24, 2007

"yawn" I'm like the effiel tower come crashing down feeling, so tired after the chalet. The chalet was very fun, did alot of cacat stuff like we owned sentosa. Dickson (bailin) made us laughed like we were all out to win "laugh the most competition". All his exposing armpit hair dance (he wore a singlet and dances to titanic slowly raising his arms exposing his hair and then rub it to the beat of the music) and pretending to be a china tourist speaking loudly with his china slang in front of the angmohs. Worst? We stood on a sculpture for a picture, and bailin that dick, went to grab his crotch for a pose at the top of the sculpture, but then a bunch tourist just walked past and NOT being embaressed, he shouted "sorry sorry, showed you all an ugly pose." He even went around greeting tourists "welcome to singapore". I believe tourism rate is gonna plunge, new factor in geography for declining tourism rate :"bailin scaring the tourists at tourist hotspot". Bailin is called dickson goh now ! Short form=dick goh=dig gold ! Go Dick ! Dig for gold !

Monday, October 22, 2007

Today's practice session was productive. I stood for 3 hours playing the guitar, the guitar was resting on my tummy (imagine yourself standing up playing the guitar and position how it will rest on your tummy). Dang, my tummy started to sweat alot because there was no space for wind to pass through and i think the mechanism started giving off heat from the back of the guitar. I swear it had the same effect of wearing the uZap from osim, the massaging belt which straps on your tummy and vibrates with a heater in it and making your tummy sweat. Cheeeeeb, i think i lost a number of kilos from playing my guitar namely the uGuitar.

Sunday, October 21, 2007

Facebook is really addictive! It's like a friendster combining with neopets. So many applications and i just click yes to whatever pops up in my screen. I watched this really funny hongkong comedy when the actor scolded in english "your mother 2 eggs." I didn't understand till i asked my family members. Only jacky and dad gave me answers. Jacky said the actor scolded wrongly and should be "your mother 38 eggs" Reason? He thought it should be "your mother san ba (bitch in chinese)" Dad laughed and said it was to make fun that your mother had balls (2 eggs). How could he have gave me an explanation like that? Maybe someone said this to him when he was young and insulted my grandomther !

Saturday, October 20, 2007

I'm on a beegee craze ! Their songs have been repeating over in my iTunes. Their beautiful high pitched voices, something i'll never possess unless i squeeze myself hard in the nuts and sing ."Baby when you've got secret love, ooohh." Facebook is damn addictive.

Thursday, October 18, 2007

Today, i got a lecture. "Go read some books, don't hang around the whole day, do something useful...blah blah blah." Yes Yes, it was from the dowager at home. In my heart i was like "Hey ! I've no school !?" But if i said that, she'll put down her cooking utensils and start telling me why i should have listened to them, not play so much, don't quit school and all the nonsense, the WORST ? She always say even our maid has a higher level of education than me ( she graduated from college). How unlucky to have a maid with a college cert, HOW many maids actually comes from college !? And i'm so unlucky to have one. Maybe mum lied, she might really come from a college, but not the kinda college we think it is, but MAID training college !
So many funny things happened at home today. Firstly, jacky and hoey came home from school with their hands plus arms all drawn with pen. Mum was furious and asked hoey why did he did that, hoey got freaked out by the dowager (mum), he pointed to jacky. Jacky's drawing on the arm was nicer than hoey's, can see the design and all. Jacky gave the funniest reason " i watched a movie on sunday, all the gangsters had tattoos, i also wanted one. So i drew one myself and taught hoey and my friends in school how to draw tattoos on their hands." He's so obsessed with traids, come home beating everyone and act like some BIG BOSS. Secondly we had KFC for dinner, everyone sank their teeth into the chicken, hoey as usual acted gay and refuse to eat becuase he didn't want to dirty his hands. Jacky suddenly shouted " Ta ma de chicken !" Mum stared, i stared, everyone stared. Jacky then said "the chicken is really hard, i can't bite it." Mum examined the chicken and laughed, it was the breast bone, some white piece that looked like meat. If i film Jacky everyday and make a film named Living with jacky, i swear it'll beat Mr bean and the other shows and i'll make a hefty sum ! He's so damn funny.

Wednesday, October 17, 2007

Jacky's wood dance

I think i don't attract anything but aunties. I swear. I was at the airport today and i ordered some tuna sandwhich set, the aunty kept smiling at me. Normal customer service i thought, she then asked if i would like chicken filling. I said tuna please. "No no, free for you." I wanted so bad to say yes, but at the airport must act high class all so i said no thank you, i'll stick to tuna. Her manager (another aunty) took over for making my hot chocolate. Then she smiled and winked, "i give you a big cup for no extra charge." The normal one is a coffee cup size and she gave me a really different big cup. She started to delay giving me my drink and asked why i like hot chocolate and irrelavant stuff. If she started asking about school i'ld be so tired to repeat to every single person that i QUIT. So i smiled politely and left. Well, waited for a while before Jacky came out from the gates. The funny thing about his trip? He bought a 160 gig iPod for himself and one LOLLIPOP for his younger brother. Kids nowadays, horrible.

Tuesday, October 16, 2007

Cheeeeeeeeeeb ! Unbelievable shit !
BANG ! Was this loud sound when a mercedes and a ceferio collided into one another. The aunty in the ceferio fainted and the one in the mercedes did not come out. An exciting scene during our bus ride from thomson. Berwin and i kept laughing when we saw the accident, poor aunty. Another job interview at sim lim, and shopping at ang mo kio. Result = leg aches + sleepy eyes. Some uncle in a shop told me to choose sciences and be a rocket scientist when he heard i'm planning to choose a new course in RP. Funny only lahh that uncle, ROCKET SCIENTIST !

Monday, October 15, 2007

Two retards were supposed to go for a job interview today, 11am. Retard C woke up at 9am trying to wake retard B. But retard B just could not wake up, so retard C being retarded did not try anything else and went back to sleep. Both retards woke up in the afternoon realising they overslept. So the retards lost the job interview. It's been a long time since i sat in my dad's car. Well, he felt the need to bring the family together so we went out for dinner, he HAD to drive past SAJC. And of course thoughts were dashing through my mind faster than the traffic on the roads. Dad realised i was staring at SAJC and told me to take it easy. Upon hearing that, i was like " Cheeeeb lahh, how come he knows? Dang!". He continued, it's okay if you can't make it into the JC's. I wanted to laugh, but it would have been really rude as he was trying to "console" me. Dads should realise that all teenage guys might not be really interested in a certain school for the right purpose that is studying ! Next time when my kid stares at a school, i'll go "Hey son, you have good foresight *pat on the back*, the girls in this school are fucking hot !"
Han stayed over last night. I swear we were like girls, played, chat and cooked. We spent 4 hours fixing a model plane which required cement glue. So being retarded, we spent 20 minutes wondering why the plane doesn't fit. Scotch tape saved us all, the entire plane is bandaged with scotch tape. Ate noodles and off to bed, not exactly. We chatted for sometime, quite funny. I'ld love more of stay overs, but aunty han does not allow berwin to do so.

Saturday, October 13, 2007

Finally a short dinner with berwin and gwen after so long, our nightly walks from punggol park home. Movie night was fun, it has always been, except for last year i think too much fun got me and i had a fair share of fun in the hospital. Very glad i didn't end up in the hospital this year, so i survived "Freedom Writers" & "Evan Almighty". Dang, the Graduation song is stuck in my head during this period of the year. "As we go on..." Vitamin C must have earned quite a huge sum from the splitting up of every possible student. I should come out with a song for newborns and funeral. Then everyone will be singing my song for newborns in the hospital and funerals. For newborns : "As you were born...". For funerals : "And as we all mourn, we remember, all the times we, had together..." I think i can make a hefty sum from this songs. Cheeeeeeb, imagine you walking past the void decks where funerals are held and hear them sing my song.

Friday, October 12, 2007

Now is the period where all graduating students (secondary) starts missing their classes and mates. I was once like that, and i felt a slight pich when i read almost every graduating friend's blog. How they confess that Blah blah blah was an asshole, yet he/her cherishes them. It was exactly how i felt when i was in Primary 6, i cried so bad in my pillow when i couldn't see my friends again. But for secondary, i just kept silent and thought about the times we had as fools. Well, as time passes, we'll meet up for outings and all and i start being mean to them again. " Son of a wanker, come here !" And all the mean stuff starts erupting to them. But i guess this is what makes our friendship special. Alright, swimming was embaressing today.

Thursday, October 11, 2007

Sleep helps to get over with problems. Felt crappy last night but after waking up to the morning sun, i felt soothed. Conned to go down to raffles city just to go back to hougang again, went there for nothing. Alright, to be nice, two idiots gave me a tour around the S'pore river, showed me places where i can busk and showed me the way how NOT to walk from raffles city to a bus stop where there was bus 80. Back to liz's house talking to the dog (tried teaching her how to eat bubble tea pearls). I used hand signs, funny faces signs and all sort of nonsense but the dog did not want to eat the pearl, and NO, i did not eat the pearl, i threw it away.

Wednesday, October 10, 2007

I swear i have this rage in me wanting to go on the street and punch some old man. I'm itching from the bottom of my heart to shout out vulgarites and throw a few stones at animals. Why? Because nothing seems to wanna go right. My life can be now described as though there is a traffic light that has malfunctioned and all the cars are at havoc. One car gets blur, the rest start getting blur. It's like how one problem come after another. So FUCK SHIT, being a retiree might not be as great after all, screw the times when i've got nothing to do, screw the people that dedicate their lives to pull me down, screw everything. Why do we scold people retarded? I think they are the luckiest bunch of people in the entire world. They are worry free, no nothing to stress them. So just run me over with a lorry and make me retarded. KNNBCCB, screw the troubles coming my way.

Tuesday, October 9, 2007

Meeting for P.A today. We were supposed to come out with questions for the presentation. So someone gave "Do you want to be heard?'' One guy was writing down the suggestions. So he wrote "Do you want to be hurt". One guy raised it only after awhile and everyone laughed so bad. I'm having enough of a bad time, i've no one to turn to already. Just gimme a break.

Monday, October 8, 2007

Breakfast-ed with brandon and XY early in the morning at 8am. Kovan's market was good, we sat down like old men and chatted our heads off. Home-ed for some guitar and i fell asleep. Feeling hungry i ran to rivervale mall to buy the Fried Chicken. Gosh, i bet that stall earn tons of money from selling those giangantic chicken chops. Met up with jess, sheena, kenneth and lynn in the room for jagging me time. They made me sing a Bubble tea song for the aunty so i could get a lifetime of free bubble tea, but if i really do that, i think i'll get a lifetime of free spit in my tea lahh. The song was effing horrible i swear.

Sunday, October 7, 2007

Power pack day today ! Helped out in collecting forms, church, salt meeting and fun in the room till 10. Cheeeeb. If life was always as easy as today, joking endlessly and no worries. How nice. Talked about jacky and hoey to kenneth, jess and kelynn. Suddenly realised they make my life fun with all the stupid things they do. I love the part when i typed "fuck you" in MSN and jacky said "i know, I FUCK YOU, right? (gives cute face) " Subsequently my mum told me she had to go down to school a few times because jacky said "fuck you" to a few of his classmates.

Saturday, October 6, 2007

Dad just saw my finger nails while having dinner. I couldn't possibly hide it and use my toes to eat could i? He said i looked like an aqua. I feel so sleepy, i'm turning in early today, like now.

Friday, October 5, 2007

My nails are painted in awfully awful colors by sheena and lynn. UGLY, it doesn't goes off with water. I don't dare to show them to my parents or they might think their oldest child is gay and piss off exploding on the spot and die. So i walk around clenching my fingers. RED BLACK GOLD are the colors resting on my FINGER nails. It wouldn't be too bad if it were the toes, but fingers? OH NO,

Thursday, October 4, 2007

What is an EROPEAN? It is a citizen from the bra shop ERO. One of my friend kept harping abt her race, european, But spelt it wrongly as eropean, must be an avid shopper in ERO. Thank you JESSICA for helping out with the song lahh ! (that is if you ever read this). Fuck shit, i owe others the price of a latte, chesse burger and the chalet money. Looks like the 6 bucks i stole only lasted me 10 minutes in macdonalds for supper just now.

Wednesday, October 3, 2007

A rather fun filled day today, visited jurong east's swimming complex with melvin, brandon and bai lynn. Caught "Death at a funeral" with them adding in lifen and peixian. Geee, it was a really funnaye and vulgar movie. Of course, a fun day leaves a poor kid like me broke, i'm left with 2 bucks and 20 cents in my pocket. I must go rob my 3 kid brothers, 2 bucks from each might get me through the week.

Tuesday, October 2, 2007

Had a haircut 10 mins straight after i woke up, plain craziness. Aunt & uncle ( my dad's side, which i never quarelled with, i quarelled with the ones on my mum's side) brought me out for a movie, "881". Goodness me, it's a hokkien musical lahh. Can't believe i actually watched it, i suddenly find hokkien songs nice, i was amazed they had techno and such, but yeah, cool. Had great wanton mee for dinner and off to meet brandon. "Ring, ring ring", i picked up the phone. " Hey, i forgot today was your dad's birthday, hurry and get him something !" That was my mum, so much for the years they were married, funnaye ! I was in plaza singapura at that very moment and had not much cash on me, the shops there sells stuffs expensive enough to wipe my ass if i paid in 2 dollar notes. So i bought a cake (apparently it costed me 38 bucks = nineteen 2 dollar notes. More than enough to wipe 3 person's ass after shitting). Rushed backed before the whole family starts to doze of, like what we all do on birthdays, yes yes, we sang happy birthday dad and ate the cake. I think being stupid is contagious. My "brother", jacky. Danced to michael jackson's music and started doing a moonwalk ( tip toes and moves backwards ) and all other wooden like (stiff) movement nothing like what MJ did. I think that was the ultimate present for my dad, he laughed so hard. So next year, i'll dance MJ for him, the wooden like style of course. Now, jacky calls himself Michael Jacky. Retarded shit, i took a video of him doing those retarded moves, i'm going to show it to everybody.

Monday, October 1, 2007

I've got no mood for anything now. I'm duper cold and hungry now. my eyes are closing yet i can't fall into sleep. There's a fucking tsunami in my mind now, the two dreams have taken major effects in my life, making me think twice before i actually do anything. The studies and all thingy, grrrf, i wanna restart my whole life. I miss everything like shit.

Sunday, September 30, 2007

Woke up at 10am, jumped into my jeans and left for church. After mass was a meeting for the Parish Assembly, surprised to know we'll be playing. Composed a new song with rico and quite strangely, jess took a video of it and made another MTV, it's quite nice though. Chilled the entire day in the room and back home now bumming around.

Friday, September 28, 2007

Oh my goodnesssssss. I've got the same dream again ! But this time a short one, it's scaring the shit out of me. As nice as it is, i pray it just stays a dream.
Woke up to my astonishment that there were no good movies on HBO and star Hong Kong movies. So i laid on bed staring into the white ceiling. Took the guitar and sang silly songs, picked up a new saosin song then the sms ringtone goes off. Finally somebody wanted to go out and play ! Off to kenneth's for a pizza meal, then to the salt room to chill. Han called up and we met for soccer with the kids, han suddenly became a STAR. (the rest of the kids were aged 10 and below). We got worned out, needed a drink. But the damn dino mart closed so damn early, before 9pm it closed. What? Afraid of thieves in the night? Got our drinks from church and chatted our heads off at a playground nearby about ways to murder without getting caught, how to torture people and such sadistic stuff. Tommorow's the fun fair for some deserted school where no one knows where the hell it is located. Have been asking around to no avail lahh, i need to be there tomorrow ! Let me sleepwalk tonight and wake up to find myself in that school the next thing i know. I had a frigging beautiful/horrid dream. I can't define it, yes it was nice, but if i wanna make it happen in life, i'm gonna be doing something impposible like trying to find 10 million bucks in the drain. I hope it just stays as a dream and i won't be swayed to follow that dream. But holy shit, that was a fucking good dream, if it was gonna be true, fantabulous ! Oh wells, dreams are called dreams for a specific reason.

Thursday, September 27, 2007

So much has happened within this few days, it's like the stock market flacutating, ups and downs. I soo soo appologise to the guys for not going to the karoke with you all. All the guys went shopping in the afternoon leaving the two broke ones reluctant to go, that's me and clarence. So we met up for about ten mins and i left for kovan to study other people studying. Back to liz/lynn's home for dinner and did hell lota stupid stuff there (Film a video of blind people busking). I feel useless everytime i go to lynn's room. The endless number of medals and trophy she has in her room makes me feel wasted. In my entire life, i've not won anything. CRAP. Was about to home, when i deicided a retiree like me have nothing to do, so i rendered cheap labour to lynn. We ran around serangoon and landed in sauyan's cool home. Rested for awhile and this time, really home-ed.

Wednesday, September 26, 2007

Today is a sunny day, but it is the night now so it's a moony day. Kenneth, brandon, liz and i played my modification of monopoly, it's somewhat a casino style. And i won everybody thus becoming donald trump, i owned all the property and money. Being monopoly rich is nice, being really rich must be nicer. Little brandon became my son, namely cocky trump (we were so rich that we acted cocky by insulting the kenneth and liz with money.) How fun ! We shall always play it ! We tapao-ed a sumptuous meal back to eat, especially a 14 bucks soy sauced chicken. Wooshooo, delicious ! Attended a meeting at SVDP and met berwin after. Slacked for awhile before deciding to head home, but we found so many packets of candles and sparkles. So i celebrated with him the festival. It's been a long time since i chatted and chilled with YOU berwin han bao su. Oh yeah, hope you have a nice day tomorrow ! ;p

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

Dined at gardens with lynn and sheena. Had hell lota shots with sheena's powerful camera. Headed to lynn's after dinner. Jess just sent the pictures we took during the latern festival. I swear this is the funniest shit. Jess, i bet the police department will hire you to do their posters. Cheeeeb cheeeeb cheeeb !

Monday, September 24, 2007

I feel like a retiree, so fucking free lahh. I need to inject some fun into my life. I spent almost the entire day of my life today in the salt room. Sheena popped by and offered me some super eeky sweet crackers that can seriously cause diabetes. The iTunes radio is behaving wierd today, it always disconnect every 5 seconds making me fucking pissed. Maybe the signal is being obstructed by the thick fumes from all the burning of candles for lantern festival. Life is tough in singapore. Cheeeeb lahh.

Sunday, September 23, 2007

My my, today was not the bomb, it was the NUCLEAR bomb mann. It all started out with the P&W session for the P6 kids. Bai lynn decided to pop by our church to know more, so we attended 9am mass and headed for the P&W, surprisingly he played the guitar for us. It was nice :) Lunched at Sakura with the whole bunch of church birdies and had hell lota fun, didn't know if bai lynn felt left out, but i thought he was okay. Sunday is where the sun is the brightest so therefore it was scorching hot, so sheena, henry, bai lynn, kenneth, brandon, lynn and i decided to head back to the room for some aircon and guitar. Pretty good rest and off to rivevale mall for a supposed bubble tea, but i ended up cutting my hair (it's nice though). Liz rang me up and asked for company to SFX for a confirmation mass, sheena and i agreed and so goodbye to the rest and we met up at shyan's shop. WOW, her shop is way cool, filled with cute puppies. SFX bored me to the very core, i took a stroll all the way to Chomp chomp and back again, Jo met me and we did not see any confirmants at all, all we saw was the drinks and chicken rice we ate. Realising we were late, we rushed to Rivervale plaza and met the rest of the church birdies to "again" celebrate the festival. This time we had hell lota people, took retard vids, pics and laughed like there wasn't tomorrow. Very quickly, it was getting late and many left. I, "again" celebrated with melvin and group much later and sang silly songs. What else can be better than this? Pure fun day. And something i thought was funny was, infront of the little kid brandon, i couldn't say vulgarities, so i almost said "nahbei", but i went "nah~~~libaba". Real cute boy.

Saturday, September 22, 2007

Spent this latern's festival with lynn, sheena, brandon, kenneth and rico. Had a pretty nice time playing with fire and candles, i don't know how we managed to spend hours sitting at the coffee shop till 12am though, but we did it. Poor lynn had to take a cab home, but soon sheena and i realised that there were still buses servicing that goes near her house. We are so sorry. Dinner was extremely filling. Just to fill in the parts of today, we had guitar practice and needless to say, got jagged a million and one times by the evil lynnie.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Three words to describe my day today. "OH MY GOODNESS"

Wednesday, September 19, 2007

Today is a weird day. School did not excite me one bit, instead it gave me random thoughts throughout the hour, i sat in in class for an hour dreaming then i just sneaked out. I went to plaza singapura for a walk and decided to catch a movie. I somehow find jet lee a little bit of a liar, he claimed that "fearless" was his last movie and there i was at PS watching his new movie "Rouge assasin". I have to admit it's really a nice show with a good twist, but what i never did expect was that there would be an asshole sitting next to me. The moment he sat next to me, i smelt something horrid, flying fuck, his shoes were ultra duper smelly. What a jerk, cinemas should run checks on people's shoes before letting them in, maybe do a smell test. Let the staff smell your shoe before entering, too smelly? Get out or rent a shoe from the cinema. I've just came out with a brilliant business tactic for cinemas. There's another ridiculous thing, i paid 7 bucks for my ticket. But my popcorn set was $8.50. How effing ridiculous, they should cut down on the prices if not i'll never patronize the snack bar ever again. It is an outrageous attempt of robbery. Screw those popcorns and cokes.

Tuesday, September 18, 2007

I hate those chain messages where they trick people into opening them and then curse you with all sort of calamities. Well, the heading seemed attractive to me but what's inside isn't one bit anything about the heading. It always goes "Repost or you will die, have bad luck for a cerain number of years, no love life and blah blah blah." I never bothered to repost it, i find it so ridiculous. How can reposting help you in the course of luck? It's not as if the more you repost, the hotter your girlfriend is, the longer you can live and thereforth. If so, i would have dedicated my whole life to reposting dumb letters so my luck-o-meter will be bloody high and i just find a billion bucks in the drain. So after receiving these chain letters in my email and opening them (mistakenly) in friendster for so many years, i start to wonder if those letters really have taken effect. Because i'm having such bad luck, screw the damn letters.

Monday, September 17, 2007

I feel fucking stupid and embaressed.

Sunday, September 16, 2007

All my plans for today were ruined all because i just woke up at 2pm. I wanted so much to wake up at 10am to go out for breakfast and a breeze walk. But how will that be possible when you sleep at 5am? Surprisingly, i sat down from 10pm till 4.30am playing poker and blackjack with asiq melvin and clarence. We played starting with 20 sweets, the winner will be the one with the most sweets in the end. I woke up to find rico right beside my bed, bummed around the whole day in rivervale mall and church. I'm still fretting much over the school issue, those people are mean. I wanna feed their children to the angry bears in the zoo. Even the angry bears treat me better than you people from london. Hope your bridge in london falls when you walk across it, then i can sing london bridge is falling down for your departing song. "LONDON BRIDGE IS FALLING DOWN" Eh, no. It should be " LONDON BRIDGE HAS FALLEN DOWN, KILLING THE BASTARDS ALL AT ONCE "

Saturday, September 15, 2007

Damn Rico the cheebye, use my ipod until no battery, can't even get it to on. Youth mass started all with nothing but problems. The mixer didn't wanna work, the cables weren't long enough and blah blah blah. But just 5 minutes before the whole thing started, it just worked. Scared us like shit, so after that all went well. So we had a mini reception down at the canteen, the buffet was good. Joking around and eating, had a live bollywood dancer susanna. She has no shame at all, just shout so loudly singing and dancing all. She has my character, but 10 x 100000 times much much more. Crazy bitch. Headed to Davis's guitar shop to accompany ryan to get his pickup, fucking ex. Pasta mania for dinner at 30% off thanks to ryan's buddy working there. Caught up with rico and oreal over at starbucks and chat our heads off for a long long time before i headed home, i was too effing tired. I need a long good sleep. SUCCESS !

Thursday, September 13, 2007

Oh my goodness, i'm stuck in a horrid situation where i have to make a choice. SHIT. Looking back, all my choices i interfered with were all sucky outcomes. And i hate to make decisions/choices now, afraid that i'll make another stupid horrendous mistake. I asked for it and it really came true, but only when i just started to adapt to the situation. Now they do this to me. I don't know if i should thank you or hate you people whom decided that for me. Still i wanna say " You overseas scums, why does my life hangs upon a string of words that you speak?" So much for the "law", there's no equity amongst us you bastards. You scums just sit high up there and decide the life of poor kids like me, i can't take it in my stride. Now i know what sparks off terrorism, because i, am thinking of how to bomb those bastards sitting in the office building. What example should i refer to? The september 11 incident using a plane or the bali bomb blast using a lorry? Plane or lorry? Who cares, i just wanna bomb those bastards. BOMB BOMB BOMB your mother's pussy. BASTARDS

Wednesday, September 12, 2007

School hours have been extended to 3 hours ! I can no longer doze of in class like how i did in scondary school. It will be really wierd if i just lay flat on the table and sleep, the peeps there are unlike my friends, they are real solemn. How i miss secondary school, the crazy friends and the stupid things we do. I would boil potato and carrot soup in biology lab classes when we have "test for starch/protein/acids in food". Sometimes we roast meat and sheep's organs. I would also use the lab's tap with the rubber tubing to "watergun" some idiots in class, put blue dye into the potted plants and the plants turn out blue. The best part was, sleeping on the floor/under table in classes. Once i wrote rubbish in my test paper and handed my name in as Miss universe, i had no idea how miss ng knew it was me, she was like : "Miss universe wong please come and collect your paper." I've handed in my papers with many bogus names, another ridiculous one will be "Lion and tiger". In secondary 2, i've burnt broomsticks, smashed windows, etc etc. Never got into much big trouble, but if i do them now, i get charged. I love secondary school.

Tuesday, September 11, 2007

Hougang green's Nasi Goreng is the spiciest food i've ever eaten in my whole life. The first few mouthfulls were alright, suddenly everything became so spicy that i teared. Being so hungry, i forced myself to finish the whole plate. Immediately i ran to 7-eleven to buy a big gulp to extinguish the spice. Under the white lighting in 7-eleven, bailin was like " WOW, your lips are all red." It was damn spicy but nice to eat, 3 bucks to torture myself, the amount of money i spent on drinks costed more than the nasi goreng. Just thinking back, i've been going to school by walking from little india's station. And i realised that there was more angmoh babes over at little india pacing around rather than plaza singapura or orchard. Very weird but it's a pretty amazing sight for me.

Monday, September 10, 2007

Being bored in the night, i read some stuffs on airplanes over the net which i have not done over a long period of time. I fancy airplanes alot and i've been reading so much on it over the past 4 years wanting to work in the aviation industry. Then i asked myself what the heck am i doing now, i've totally lost track of what i've been doing over the past few months. I got myself into a total wreck and went ahead to study in the law field. I've lost my sense of directions and i feel lost. I hope this is all just a dream and i wake up to find myself back a few months ago. God, give me a glimpse of hope, help me get right back on track. But somehow i feel that i've gotten too deep in shit, i hope not, but reality says otherwise. SHIT.

Sunday, September 9, 2007

Today is a humid and warm day, too hot for me. Went over to ryan's with rico and liz all because some idiot wanted to catch high school musical. I watched the first 10 minutes and fell asleep throughout the whole movie and woke up just to see the remaining 5 minutes. I seriously think high school musical is just a "white" version of bollywood's movies. And maybe lacking a few trees here and there, their MASSIVE dances, dances and songs every 5-10 minutes, seriously made me think it was just a copy of bollywood, just watching 10 minutes made me think this way. Don't understand what captivates the teens to watch that "copy" of bollywood. I would prefer the real bollywood, it's much funnier.

Saturday, September 8, 2007

Big big woo ha from disney channel ! Vanessa hudgens is known to have explict pictures over the net ! So rico being a big big fan of her, decided to check out if it was true. Sadly/amazingly we found out that it was true. Her fans must be devasted, but i suppose they are all little kids and won't know much, it might just be over in a couple of weeks. I'm feeling neutral about it because my idol is Emma Roberts, not vanessa hudgens. Am i glad Emma roberts didn't do such a silly thing. Actually, i'm hoping zac efron will go around posing nude over the net too, so he gets kicked off the show and lose everything. I detest that bugger. Why did you have to do a photoshoot with Emma Roberts you alien? Get further from her and leave her alone, go flash around your town or in front of the camera when filming, do anything to get yourself booted out. Simply unbelievable that Emma roberts is just a year younger than me.

Friday, September 7, 2007

This is the mark of the end of my holidays. I went back to school finally, same old usual stuff we learn and all. But after school was pretty amazing, i met up with melvin and group for a movie. Some fucked up movie that made clarence sleep through it. Some wierd show by sandra bullock, it's fucking wierd. After all the wierdness, we felt wierd and played day of defeat at paradiz centre till 2am. And i was utterly defeated by opposing enemies, always getting shot whenever i walked out of the base. After being defeated, we took the night rider bus back, somehow we passed by KPT punggol park and we felt hungry. So thinking i thought there was free transfer for night riders, i physco-ed them all to get down and eat hokkien mee. Who knew there was only free transfer for SMRT buses. I got branded as a liar and we had to walk home. So blah blah blah and all, we all reached home happily ever after.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

OH MY GOODNESS ! MY buddy being an asshole just did the fuckiest thing ever ! You're a complete asshole asiq. You totally shamed me, so much for writing it for you. You're one big asshole. ASSHOLE. Read this and hide in your asshole, ASSHOLE. But you know what asshole? I think the photo parts were excellent, must have took you awhile to do that. So all this shows you miss me. But you're still an asshole no matter what. The ozone layer can't even withstand the embaressement/anger/madness i'm giving out. The world will suffer global warming much sooner because i destroyed the ozone layer. So you can write my name as a cause of global warming in geography questions. Text me for the spelling of my name if you've no idea, very important alright? One of this year's geography O level's question will be: " Describe one cause of global warming, elaborate [15 marks]."
Rico is amazing, he never fails to fart whenver i go out with him. Most of the time, i get that stinky shit in my room. For christ's sake, it's my room. How would you like someone farting in your room constantly? Embaress you to death mr rico garcia. I'm so terrified of everything, life holds too much for me ! The holidays are just starting to get real good :) But fuck, school starts tommorow.

Wednesday, September 5, 2007

Emmanuel Joseph Aka JO, is not keeping to his words ! In his testemonial, he said everyone plays a part in their lives and he loves/appreciate them all. But i kept getting jagged by him today. When i asked what's for supper, he said "crab". I was like, "crab for supper? so expensive lahh." Then he went "No, KPT gives them free, CRAP." Up next was when liz had a packet of hokkien mee take away for her mum, i touched it to check if it was warm/hot. Immediately, Jo that ass said i made it cold by touching it. So he raised his hands and touched the packet and claim it was hot again ( trying to say he's hot ). Then poor ryan touched it and made a sound. "PSSSSST" (was suppose to be the sound of something really really hot burning). Immediately again, Jo went " You just freezed that thing" (the sound of freezing something is somewhat like PSSST too). Well as poor thing as ryan might be, this shows i'm hotter than ryan, i just cool things when i touch them, he freezes them ! Wanted to jag me, but the ultimate jag turned against you ! So in a wierd way, Thank you JO !

Tuesday, September 4, 2007

Within 1 day, i had 2 compliments or dig on my removal of braces. How nice, but why only after months when i've removed them? Blind friends. My 1 week holidays are really boring, i wake up with nothing to do. I wake up just to find my laptop and iPod beside me, so i listen to the iPod for awhile to warm myself up for the day ahead. Then the laptop to kill some time, iTunes radio is really good. Grabbed the PSP from mum's bedroom and play GTA with all cheats making myself some Gang leader and go on a killing rampage. After awhile, all of these get boring. So i turn to the teevee to watch movies, but HBO is really a waste of money. Hours pass and there goes my day. It's been only 2 days into the holidays and i'm feeling so bored. At least there's band practice for tomorrow to spur up my day. But there was something amazing in the papers today, an army recruit in spore took away a rifle and ran around cineleisure orchard, he was caught without much commotion. How i dream i would be there and spot that recruit and play hero by nabbing him. Gun fire, fighting, saving chicks, how cool. The headlines for today will then be " Teen Nabs Wanted Criminal, Saves The Day."

Monday, September 3, 2007

Had an amazing practice for the band on last saturday, sunday was a rather wierd day because rico came over for a cook out. We cooked 4 packets of meegoreng, 2 pratas, 1 whole pot of chicken stew, beer and seaweed. Berwin and gwen joined shortly after, all left in the evening and that was the end of sunday. Lots of people are missing in church, hardly get to see them now. Haven't met asiq and the group for a long time. Where did everybody run to? To their girlfriends, exams and work. I'm so lonely.

Friday, August 31, 2007

I've been at the laptop for almost 2 hours listening to America's radio. I just found out a way cool function from iTunes. The radio, it classifies the genres and the era of the music making it simple for users. It even gives the title and the artist's name, way cool. I've always thought babies were the coolest little things ever. The way they try running towards you, but moves in stumbly movement, their cute little faces, the beautiful pieces of clothings that fits their petruding tummy and the silly stuff they do. As much as i want to be a dad, i don't wanna grow up. I'm afraid and terrified of what the world has in hold for me. I might meet some evil asshole and make my life miserable, get into trouble which death is the only way out, get stepped all over by others and become a bigger loser than i already am. I've got to find my hidden/natural talent before i hit 18/19 years old. So i can be a millionaire teen talent and make it to hollywood, meet Emma Roberts, get the sparks flying, start a family and live off the entertainment industry till my offsprings takes over. Who wants to start a sitcom with me? Maybe we hit off with something simple like "Friends" or "Seinfield" ? Then we move on to our very own "Everybody loves Caleb", "Mr Caleb", "3rd rock from the *moon*". Maybe in my thirties i'll do "Caleb Almighty", "Moon wars", "The Caleb Ultimum". Off i am to search for my talent.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

My days are getting boring. I've not experienced anything funny for a week, maybe i'm becoming more mature :) Today was really a scary day, for no good reason, i started day dreaming in class (as usual), but this time i didn't day dream about how i saved some hot girl from a bad guy, enjoying life like how a millionaire would and such nice stuff. This time, i "day dreamed" about how i see myself without an education, wandering around begging for cash, no home, can't support my family and horrid stuffs. It was then i decided to buck up in class, so i started reading up on my notes in the MRT way back home and read through a little. I certainly hope this fire will rage for a long time, maybe enough to get me through the exams. So, within the short 11 seconds in the lift up to my house, i began to think why, why are our lives bounded by studies? And i got a straight, quick answer.It might all be thanks to the adversarial system of the government. Simply because : Expectation too high on youths and thus this gives employers the mindset of, no qualification you scram attitude. And in this case, we'll never get our lucky break. I hope someone gets appointed to recommend reforms on this and make our lives better. I simply cannot take this amount of pressure anymore, it is suffocating. Enough of ranting, i need a breather, just timely my school gave a week of holiday. The weather has been a real bitch recently, so damn humid. Makes me all iky and i have to bathe. The only people benifiting from this bitch weather is PUB, people have gotta take so many showers a day that their water bills rocket.

Tuesday, August 28, 2007

I really want to go down to cold storage, ask them if they sell "bodies". My body is aching so badly that i wanna replace it with another. Had a "party" at ryan's last night, didn't even got a wink of sleep. That greatly contributed to the aches, but who cares, it was fun. I arrived home at 7am, so caught a short nap and went to school. Not hard to guess, i was late, 30 minutes. The lecturer asked why, due to lack of sleep, i felt like there was a lack of oxygen and my brain couldn't fuction as per normal. So i said there was a jam when i took the MRT, i didn't even realise i said something so stupid until the lecturer jagged me. "So i suppose the reason for you being late for the next lesson will be that the MRT had a punctured tyre?" The whole class laughed so hard, only then i realised i said something stupid. I braved through the drowsiness and managed to finish the class, i rushed home immediately and slept, but so many jokers called and texted me. I really meant it when i said "somebody call me", but nobody called when i was active and awake, jokers call only when i'm about to sleep. Serious, the number of calls and messages today could actually make up the calls and messages i receive in 3 days? My friends are all jokers.

Sunday, August 26, 2007

I'm feeling awful now, after eating a mac spciy meal. Fast food is killing me, i've been eating them far too often. I need slow food, perhaps home cooked food. But i'm seldom home, oh well, a "busy" guy has to do his stuff. Just as i'm typing this, my body suddenly becomes to ache. I need a good rest, probably a good dream too.

Saturday, August 25, 2007

The rally was awesome ! What i thought awesome wasn't the band, but jo's testimony. So i'm a part of everyone's life, and everyone needs each another to fill their lives. No matter how much i hate you or love you, each and everyone of the people i know fills up the little dot in my painting, my life. Rally ended around 11pm, i hopped on the church's shutter bus for a return trip to st anne's. But i got chased out from 2 of the 3 buses, reason being : i didn't take the bus to the rally. But somehow i managed to hop on the 3rd bus. After all the singing and praying, we were hungry, a big big group of idiots went to Kopitiam at punggol park to eat. I swear we looked like drunkards, laughing all loudly and shouting. So being idiots, we had to go so far to eat that we had to walk home from there. All the food i ate was consumed by the energy needed to walk home. Ended up a hungry tummy again, so idiotic. We're dumb morons, can't blame us for missing out that factor, we all split our different ways and went home. I can't be a robber, ryan and i tried pretending to be robbers outside lynn's house at 1am, trying to scare the shit out of her. But she had no expression when we went "robbery !" I guess i just can't make it. I'm so worned out that i can't remember my sirname now, i need to make full use of whatever little sleep i have right now.

Friday, August 24, 2007

This is the third time i got tricked into attending a meeting i'm not required to ! Phyliss and liz you both make lousy messengers, passed me wrong information 3 times ! Well, but i don't blame you both, i had fun with the people there and you all. So we finished the meeting today and headed for Kopitiam at punngol park. Supposingly to meet only lynn ( which i felt really upest about ) , but we met a whole group of church friends there. So we dined and made fun of ME ( it's always been me.) It was rather late, no buses and so eunice, gen, amerie and i walked home. I did not have the same dream last night, how dissapointing. I'll try again now, BYE !

Thursday, August 23, 2007

YES ! I had the best-est dream last night ! I dreamt of meeting "her" in my friend's house ! And in the dream, we clicked damn well and had hell lot of fun. So "she" and my other 2 friends were in the room playing the guitar, singing, chatting and bumming around. Soon, the afternoon came to an end, so we went to chomp chomp for dinner ! After that my damn phone rang the fucking alarm and ruined my dream. Why didn't i set the alarm 10 mins later or so ? So i tried to return to sleep to continue the beautiful dream, but darn, it did not work. So i resigned to my cruel life, got my ass off the bed, brushed my yellowish teeth, combed my hair, dressed up then, OFF to school with a heavy regrettful heart of not trying to set the alarm 10 mins later. I'm so gonna set the alarm 20 mins later for tomorrow, just in case i get the continuation of the dream. I bet my life this is the best thing that could ever happen to a loser guy like me. The dream was like a film running for hours man ! Yay, can't wait for tonight ! Pray it happens again !

Wednesday, August 22, 2007

Caleb was shitting in his toilet while using his laptop, but lacking dietary fibre, he had constipation. Suddenly he decided to chat with LIZ, upon seeing Liz's display picture, EVERYTHING came out. AH, finally a period of relieve from constipation. Thank you LIZ ! I managed to con berwin 3 bucks to eat a student meal from macdonalds. Thanks ah berwin ! Shall buy you donuts tomorrow. It's been awhile since i hanged out with asiq and the rest. Nobody's calling me nowadays, i think my phone's spolit. CALL ME, ANYBODY just call me.

Tuesday, August 21, 2007

Last night was the friend's crazy night out. We went for Karaoke in serangoon, first hour or so everyone was shy, " don't want lahh, don't like to sing " was all you could hear. After getting warmed up, we wanted the mics so badly ! Sang wierd songs and the BOMB ! A hindu song ! I swear it was damn cool, the beat was quick, the lyics were fairly easy and such. So just go " kwayra mendai boo " something like that. I left in the evening for some meeting in SVDP, returned only abt 10pm to join them in Chomp chomp, ate some oily oily food and then all home-ed !

Monday, August 20, 2007

Starting my post with a Cheee byeee again. Cheee bye, went to SVDP for a "supposed" meeting. But when amerie, phyllis and me reached there, they said there wasn't a meeting. I stood there blankly eating my strawberry cornetto. Got tricked ! And worst still, everybody's phone is off today ! Out of 3 people i called, two off-ed their phones. I thought i was irritating or something, but aha ! Sadly for you all, NO. It was the English O'levels Oral today, so most of them had to off their phones. So we dined at Jalan kayu, had a great meal and walked to the nearest bus stop. On the way back, we saw a dead cat ! It was stiffened up and as hard as diamond, damn gross. Could have puked out everything i ate for dinner. *Bleahch*
Cheeee byee, found myself in the toilet the moment i woke up. Some bacteria must be in my tummy, having diarohea like the niagra falls. Go to hell bacteria ! Scram and leave me alone so i can leave the toilet alone too, i'm sure the toilet hates me alot for now. DARN, here it goes again.