Friday, January 18, 2008

Jacky's in my room doing his work now, he had a fight with hoey so i had to seperate them. Jacky suddenly asked me about jeremy's project which i'm acting in. He told me mum ask him to be the lead actor in the show, i was rather curious why mum said something like that. So i went to ask mum, and infront of jacky she said "Aiya, this jacky always acting one, morning act to be sick, don't wanna go school, ask him do homework act stomache, ask him play only then nothing wrong. This boy here can act so well, don't let him be the lead actor in your friend's show very wasted." I just realised i have a whole family of male actors, when i need dad to drive me out, sometimes he goes "argh, got headache, can't drive, ask your mother". When i ask my wenxian for a favour, from using the computer, he can switch to doing some homework and claims he's busy. The only male in my family who can't act is hoey, because he doesn't act gay, he IS gay.

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